David Beckham Joins AC Milan !!!

i think his work rate is damn low. just wait for people to pass the ball to him then he just cross. without the ball he doesn't do anything useful like marking or tackling. everytime i see him on the move, he only slow jogs, no sprinting. and i think his slow jogs are just wayang to show people how "hardworking" he is when in actual fact it doesn't take much effort.

high work rate is someone like thierry henry, everytime running and sprinting like nobody's business.
ya most overated ...actually i think he is a loser :) haha..
dun like him on or off the pitch ...esp after he got married

van_halen said:
i think his work rate is damn low. just wait for people to pass the ball to him then he just cross. without the ball he doesn't do anything useful like marking or tackling. everytime i see him on the move, he only slow jogs, no sprinting. and i think his slow jogs are just wayang to show people how "hardworking" he is when in actual fact it doesn't take much effort.

high work rate is someone like thierry henry, everytime running and sprinting like nobody's business.

It is easier to talk than to be doing. I am not trying to diss anyone here, but until you have reach near his standard, we will talk again. Till then, please stop whining about this guy because I have great respect for him.

If (and I emphasized "IF) I were to compare him to you guys, penguin you are so much more a loser than him, judging from your comments and your nickname. For van_halen, comparison is relative and subjective, but I can definitely say for sure his work rate is better than yours on the pitch. Calculate the distances you clocked when you play a friendly soccer match and compare it with Beckham's.

Sorry if I sounded agitating, but I hate it when people can't walk their talk.

DB wouldn't be able to enjoy 1st time place if he goes to MUFC cuz the restructuring is too great to have him in the lineup and style differences + age is catching up on him.

I hope to see AC Milan whoop some butt in UEFA Cup!!

Just fyi, tonight Arsenal vs West Ham!! Let Chelsea and LFC tear themselves apart.
yeah bro - I'm all stoked up for the hammers 2nite - & here's to a nice boring 0-0 draw between loserfool & chelski
His freekicks are the best.............i haven't seen many players who can strike a better freekick than him. Andrea Pirlo, Alessandro Del Piero, Ronaldinho...........the list goes on. I haven't see a player that can cross as well as him either. He is a little overrated but his strengths as widely publicised in the media are true. True, he may not be able to fit in as well in the AC Milan team but imagine ur a goalkeeper, and u see Ronaldinho and Beckham lining up a freekick from 25 yards. Won't u tremble in ur boots? I would. Slow yes. Low workrate no. He's a pretty hard worker, of course not as much as players like Dirk Kuyt but he does his part. It doesn't hurt that he's scored a coupla stunners too, remember that strike against Wimbledon when he was 21? I'd say AC Milan got a bargain for themselves, his experience will help ( although it seems that AC have too much of that, what with all the over 30 players ) and he'll give them an added dimension onthe flanks. Probably will be used as an impact substitute but if there's one man who can turn a game on its head with a simple kick of the ball, its him.
George Best does says it best in year 2000. What happened to him from 2001 through 2008?? Dumbfounded??

well maybe up till 2005 he was dumbfounded. he died in 2005.

RIP Best.

anyway, i've been a fan of becks for quite awhile, heck he was the reason i chose to support man utd.

i think his work rate is damn low. just wait for people to pass the ball to him then he just cross. without the ball he doesn't do anything useful like marking or tackling. everytime i see him on the move, he only slow jogs, no sprinting. and i think his slow jogs are just wayang to show people how "hardworking" he is when in actual fact it doesn't take much effort.

becks certainly does not have low work rate, he does chase the ball but he just lacks the pace to catch up with most players..

plus, if he just waits for the ball and just crosses, if it produces results, why not?

also, his strong point is linking up with the right-backs in the teams he has played in. obviously strongest partnership was with gary neville.
I agree with Zullio. There must be a reason why Sir Fergie fielded him into the 1st 11 during his entire career in MUFC. Ponder over it.
neuro182: you comparing the forummers here with a professional football who earns hundreds of thousands a pounds a week? u gotta be kidding.
If Beckham was that good, the LA galaxy wouldnt be so pathetic. he did nothing for USA football.
Vaiyen: if u wanna compare one with others, first compare them with yourself before making so much comments blah blah blah.

Beckham is only but one player. Can one player make a big difference in the team? Look @ Messi in Barcaleona. Ultimate best player, imo, but what happened to the team? Can he alone make the big leap for the team? There is a reason why a soccer team is made up of 11 players. But here, we are only focusing on one player.
hey neuro...thank you for the comments ...ha ha ..u fan boy?hmm
its just a personal view,and you get so work up !!!

ha..vaiyen, relax man, let it be ..

offcourse we have our own soccer idol, as for me its definately not Becks!
DB..not a bad player. but u have to agree he has the most marketing potential..sort of it has eclipse his true playing ability on the pitch..also his drama with victoria has bit clouded his on field persona...

but i have to say...when he goes to ac milan, he might work,as the italian game is played at a slower pace then the bpl, but considering how he is doing now at the usa club....things dont look good...

take it objectively, not personally..cool down,
Things dun look good for Becks in USA is because the LA team do not have top quality players. Becks himself cannot win the game alone. He is a dead ball specialist but what is the use of good passes if the strikers failed to connect at the othe end?
sad to say.. DB is past his sell-by date. pls dun flame me.. haha.. everyone's got opinions right? that was mine.. no doubt he can score a lovely free-kick... but all in all, he's not up to it anymore. :D
David Beckham has his abilities.only that the teams he played for recently hasnt been able to capitalize on it.

a surprise loan move to AC Milan.maybe a move to recapture his true self rather than the assumed advertising prospect.

wish him the best of luck in Italy.DB7 of ManUtd never forgotten.