Daisy chain how many pedals?


Hi guys, pardon my ignorance pls but i was wondering if its possible to power up 7 boss pedals via daisy chain using only one 9v adapter? Can the poor adapter take it? :smt017

Thanks for taking the time to read this, cheers!
*noob pedal user*
shoud not be a problem dude... try getting a one spot adapter just to be safe!

max i tried is 5 pedals though.
+1 to 1spot adaptor...but as with all electrical stuffs, pls check the amount of current that all the pedals are taking. You wouldn't want to overload and have a bbq buffet :wink:
check it out at www.mrmisse.com

It should be 35 bucks, nah it isn't really expensive till you're inflicted with serious GAS. I got burnt real bad and learn it the hard way :lol:
the onespot -should- be enough at > 1000mA. however, you might need 2 daisy chains for 7 pedals, no? that's a lot...
it's not... just ask mrmisse (yee yong) and friends how many pedals they have on their boards! :wink:

the observatory, at last count, had about 30+ pedals onstage between them.

the electrico guitarist has at least 8 at last count?

it all depends what music, what kinda guitarist you are...
30+?!?! yikes now thats scary!!

actually im quite a minimalist when it comes to efx but i guess after being a multi efx user for so long i sorta want to still have a handful of sounds at my disposal heh.

I better take up dancing class soon, can see myself fumbling to toggle the pedals already.
thor666 said:
it's not... just ask mrmisse (yee yong) and friends how many pedals they have on their boards! :wink:

the observatory, at last count, had about 30+ pedals onstage between them.

the electrico guitarist has at least 8 at last count?

it all depends what music, what kinda guitarist you are...

My fave topic...

Let's start chronologically.

tb.fk.as (MrMisse and a friend's band)


The Obs: (These are very outdated pictures of their gear from our interview with them last Aug and I heard from them they acquired a lot more new stuff since their Japanese tour)

Leslie Low - He added an Effector 13 Truly Beautiful Disaster last year and somemore...


Dharma - Got a new MoogerFooger MuRF and an Xotic RC Booster and some other stuff... I love his get-up. 2 E-H bags placed perpendicular to each other...


Victor Low - I dunno what he got from MrMisse besides the MoogerFooger MuRF but I heard he's got some new toys...


Vivian Wang

She's got a MoogerFooger MuRF as well and a lotta stuff...


Daniel Electrico has a lovely board

Oh man those pedalboards are insane! and im already having trouble with my few pedals dammit. I feel like a poor pauper after seeing those rigs, they must cost at least a left testicle.

aw well i guess i'll get a 1 spot adapter then, lifehouse is right i shouldnt take chances either.
I'm using the old 1-Spot (1000mA) to power 9 pedals using 2 daisy chains on my pedal board. Have been at it for the longest of time. No problems at all.

1000mA is really alot esp if most of your efx are analog ones, they consume less than 30mA (About 20mA for NS-2). Digital ones consume more (65mA for DD-3). So do the math, you're probably safe with tons of headroom left.

This site may help you:
From a technical point of view, most things don't perform just as the manufacturers state. When you push them to their brink, something is going to spoil, burn, cooked etc.. I won't want to cook my pedals. That aside, 2 are better, if one spoil during a show or gig, you still have the other to do a the one adapter two daisy chain thingy. IMHO only.

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