D.I.Y. Pedalboard


New member
Hey guys me thinking of building a small pedalboard to keep my small collection of effects in. Anyone has any experience in making one? I'm thinking of using plywood as the base..probably paint it black too. Is it gonna be durable enough? And ya i've read that most pple use aluminium/some other metal thingy to line the side of the board. Is it necessary? And how to "stick" the aluminiun to the wood?. Using screws? Or elephant glue? And anyone noes where to get the materials..aka industrial velcro, aluminium and such.

Pls feel free to give any ideas..cos i dun really noe where to start from. Thanks all!
eh i also wanna make one leh ... keep me posted as to how you make yours.... i was thinking making it out of cheap plywood/ aluminium diamond plate.. , glue on the velcro using bicycle glue or sumthing.... but i will try to design it abit... make it alittle more innovative...
i bought some hinges... latches from D.I.Y store... not dirt cheap actually... but still quite affordable...
question: diamond aluminum plate?! simi lai eh?
question 2: hinges + latches --> u gonna make a cover for it? I was thinking more of getting a bag for it instead. U noe those suitcase shaped kinda bags which opens up totally?. Something like tt lar.

planning to design the board ard the bag. But find the bag first. Hee hee.
Anyways are u gonna line the sides and edges with aluminium? Make it more "flight case" -like...but actual purpose dunno wot's it for leh. Everyone's doing it. Shrug.

the velco i think use double sided tape /w glue better ba. If u glue the velcro can be peeled off by the side if u noe wot i mean.
Anyways are u gonna line the sides and edges with aluminium? Make it more "flight case" -like...but actual purpose dunno wot's it for leh. Everyone's doing it. Shrug.

imo, i think what every1's doing is to cover up the 'joints' between the plywoods.

this makes the structure stronger and of course, it will last longer.

yeah..and it somehow enhances the aesthetical aspect of it.

haha...i was looking forward to make one too! =)

why not we all create the final product for everyone to see? yupz...

anyway..here's to our building dreams! start small..
mmmm is plywood the only way out? I'm thinking of using more plasticky material cos it'll be lighter. Maybe acrylic boards?. U think tt will break easily.
Any design and tech pple out there? Haha. I nvr attended those classes man.
heh my pedal board is nothing more than a plank of plywood from Ikea, and velcro strips from a hardware store. Pretty simple, works just fine, but extremely messy.... =p
Maybe can show us a pic of how bad it is? Haha...no offence dude. But may i see it so have a rough idea.
Question again : Me thinking of using 1 spot adaptor as power source. Shld i include the power socket extensions [wotever u call that] into the board or the 1 spot would be long enuff to reach the power sockets. Doubt so right?
ive seen my friends' simple but effective. doenst look dat nice but it does its job well. i think he had abt 4 or 5 stomboxes and 1 wah pedal. didnt really pay attention to technical aspects of the pedal but it shouldnt be too hard to make.
how many gadgets are uall planning to put?
i love diy stuff
hey ya'll i just happened to make my pedalboard hehe , i'll just copy and paste this i posted in another forum :D


hey guys since some of ya asked about me pedalboard, so i thought just use an old thread, this is the 'nearest' one that i can find heheh

the pedalboard itself is actually DIY, i made it from plywood, glued the smooth side of velcro on it so it feels like carpet, not the thin strips of velcro, i got the erm these kind, in the pic, soli dunno the measurement of the width

for the case itself, i bought it for SGD80 from ranking sports? the one same floor and near sweelee

but its pretty small or rather the DL4 and pulsar makes it rather small :(

i didnt think it necessary to put aluminium thingy around the sides coz of the hardcase can protect it pretty well, tho it will defnitely look nicer and more professional with it :lol: , and also the next thing i would do is buy a tin of lacquer, spray on the bottom side of it, it feels pretty 'naked' and vulnerable to liquid stuff which could make it rot and stuff like that, hope this helps and will encourage ya'll to make your DIY pedalboards!

oh yeah another thing is i bought the case first, then brought it to the hardware shop so they could measure the plywood to fit inside the case, they cut/sawed it to that measurement. NOTE: the opening or top of the case has diffren measurements from the inside/base part of the case so make sure your hardware consultant does it correctly after cut already can't fit inside :lol:
sorry for the back-to-back posts! i keep forgetting stuff, just wanna help :D forgot to post the full pic of the board :lol: :lol:


if u have boss or mxr sized pedals then u can fit in many more, the darn DL-4 and pulsar kicked out some of my other pedals :lol:
Cool thread guys, I've been wanting to make my own pedal board for the longest time but stupidly went and bought a multi-effects :roll: Well i might sell it and start collecting single pedals. Cool pedalboard Bruce
Hey Bruce tts totally cool. Tt case u bought it from ranking music @ 80 dollars?. Mmm look nice and durable. Think i can slash the price somemore with tt old lady. Anyways ya tts a nice small pedalboard the size which i'm gonna build. I've only got a DS-2 and a Route 66 to fit in currently (no cash to buy more stuff lol) but will probably expand to a wah a chorus and a Boss tuner.
Question to Bruce: tt bunch of coiled up wires and tt adaptor is ur power supply? Ur using 1 spot issit? Is it long enough to reach the power sockets? Or u think i'd have to put 1 power socket extension into my board?
Question 2: Would the normal velcro used be good enough? those tt are used for clothing i mean. Doubt so right? In tt case where can i find those industrial velcro?
Thanks all man. It's good help. I've got quite a few ideas now.
Hey Bruce is that a Gibson faded doublecut LP in the background of the big pic? How much did you get it for and from where? :)
Chang said:
Question to Bruce: tt bunch of coiled up wires and tt adaptor is ur power supply? Ur using 1 spot issit? Is it long enough to reach the power sockets? Or u think i'd have to put 1 power socket extension into my board?
Question 2: Would the normal velcro used be good enough? those tt are used for clothing i mean. Doubt so right? In tt case where can i find those industrial velcro?

i have a few adapters for the pedals, the line6 DL-4 has its own adapter, i have a boss adapter and also the one spot adapter, these 2 will power up everything else, what i do is plug these adapters into an extension powerbar thing, then only into the power outlet, its easier than pulling all 3 wires from adapter to the wall :D

these velcro i got from those sewing/clothe shops, its the thicker in width ones and they hold pretty well, of course dont go shaking and thumping your pedal case upside down lah hehe u just want it to stay put when ur carrying your case. i was trying to look for those 3M industrial velcro but cldnt find any, so i used this and it works pretty well.

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