Cute Girls Playing Metal


New member

Ok, she's sufficiently cute and I am too lazy to find anymore. Got the stupid flu bug and trying to sleep it away but failing miserably.

Anyway, post your links of cute girls playing guitar/bass/drums and basically rocking it like the rest of the guys. But must be good lah, not the cringe-worthy noobs.

Don't anyhow link to he-shes or bapoks or transvestites or she-men playing ah.

Don't anyhow link to he-shes or bapoks or transvestites or she-men playing ah.

dang I had so many I wanted to share with you guys! Meet Frank:

disclaimer: am not responsible for suicides
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woahh the girl playing pth damn hardcore :O
she jump jump and nearly fell down once haha but damn cool
Wow! I think Prisa is a good guitarist! HEAVY!

Lamb of God are going to be proud of her! :D

I'm kinda jealous

damn, the lead singer of vendetta can take over Angela Gossow. she can growl alright. impressed.

but haha, side note girls that can death growl (is that waht it's called?) kinda scare me, no offence to those who like em tho.

i'm impressed nonetheless :D
Eh, I thought she was sucky though. But she's young and has plenty of time to explore.

Damn, I want chicks on my band too!
Haha, I still like Vendetta cos on first glance they look like a group of cutesie Ah Lians (of course not the drummer lah!) then when they started to play and twirl their hair round and round, the contrast seems so hilarious and cool at the same time.

I'd pay S$100 to watch Singapore Ah Lians rock like this on stage.
