cure my lust..........


New member
hello people....... does any1 have any info abt any1 who owns a Fender Jaguar n wanna sell em?
if u do,pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls................................
They got some a couple at Swee Lee warehouse at Sims Drive. Expensive though - they're some vintage reissues going for over $3K.
guitar 77 , uncle dennis has a brand new jap jaguar on sale too ... i tihnk 1.5k or sumthing ... can go and ask him out !
stars....... i went to guitar gallery liao. it's S$3680!!! after discount is S$2950. still damn ex man..........
yup.. the price tags on the guitars at the guitar gallery are just replicas. To provide the authentic feel of a genuine guitar store ..which it isnt obviously.. cus its called the guitar "Gallery". so its meant only for viewing purposes....
ok sorry... i meant seeing purposes one

guitar gallery is really expensive... but at least their models are consistently of high quality... all have really nice flame tops...birds eye etc...

OEI Boon just get a jap one from ishibashi man. order direct.

64,000 yen. thats like...around $1k. add another ...say 2 hundred to be safe for shiping will be 1.2k. for exact prices you need to mail them... but shouldnt be far from this figure.
ChanMin said:
yup.. the price tags on the guitars at the guitar gallery are just replicas..

I'm confused. We are talking about that place at the Peace Centre/Park Lane mall? Is it a store or isn't it? :)
Can someone please tell me how to order from ishibashi? I no idea how to do it the site kinda complicated. I want to buy vintage white strat from there. Saw the price about 46,400Y or something.
wyldeboon said:
stars....... i went to guitar gallery liao. it's S$3680!!! after discount is S$2950. still damn ex man..........

i meant guitar 77 ! its the one at excelsior basement ... beside luther and behind guitar connection..

btw luther opens today woot !
i think you can get it by internet off of ebay. ther's lots of dealers from Japan. not too expensive. about 1500-2500 shipping inclusive

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