Crazy hum in a Jackson RR3


New member
Hello i need help with my guitar a jackson RR3, it has a dam crazy hum whenever i use the distortion. Can anyone help me by posting their pics of their RR while i try to upload the pics of mine. Dunno whats happening, everything seems grounded properly!

And everytime when i put the tone knob to max the hum gets crazier than when it is at one.
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hey wjl123 no offence though
Things to take note*
RR3 isnt a very familiar piece here in singapore i bet not even 100 people own a rr.
And hum problems is quite common no shielding,inproper soldering or even humbuckers getting spoilt alot things can make hum going crazy... Bad amp!? pedalS! no true bypass cables! alot trust me...
What i can suggest is that u refer to a guitar tech he should be able to fix it.
its a good way for u and ur guitar that way...
Try mike of standardvalue* he charges things fair among most ive seen
Hey thanks for the reply sorta fix the problem but there still abit of hum, think its gotta do with the metal pickguard being not shielded or something.