Hi softies, I hope this is the right place to post my sincere request. Basically, I'm more of an "audio track" person and I'm an absolute noob in the midi terrain. I inherited a very simple midi controller (korg microkeys) and am looking forward to get involved in the midi programming aspect of my originals. I know this may sound very noob but I am willing tp pay around 45 an hour to anyone kind enough to travel to my place to teach me some stuffs. I'm more or less self taught w/r to other aspects such as recording and audio tracking but I really have TOO many question w/r to midi and I didn't want to fish around for random snippets of info from the net. Please do contact me at 98319226. am currently using Sonar LE 8.5 but am looking to upgrade once I have saved up. Thank you all for your kind attention!