could some one help me with my next amp?


New member
hello i saved my ass off for some money now and i whant to buy a nice bass amp my previous bass amp was a roland cube 100 combo
sonds ok i gues but im looking for the real deal
my favorite bands all use 70's ampeg but i don't have the money for that
the music that i make is indy/pop/rock i have around 1000 euros
can some one pls help me some one advised me a ashdown ABM 500 evo or a orange those 2 anny good?

thanks for the help windowspro<3:D
1000 euros is a lot of money. are you sure you can't get an ampeg SVT for that amount?

if you get a head+cab, you will have alot of options which will give you serious power.

ashdown strikes me as a manufacturer in the lower tier, but don't let my opinion stop you from trying it out and hearing for yourself.

orange seems to be less popular among bassists. i've seen orange heads in music plaza and frankly, for a head of that size and price you'd expect something with a more flexible preamp.

head down to davis, they have quite a selection. you might be able to score a markbass/ebs/GK there. you can go to citymusic if you want a hartke, they are excellent value for money.

if tone is important and you are looking for vintage tones, you can get pedal preamps such as the sansamp vt bass and the barber linden, which are really popular and can give you a good ampeg svt and fliptop b15 tone respectively.

if it were me, i'd place more importance in power and practical considerations over tone. not that tone is unimportant though, but i feel that there are so many other factors that can influence tone, to which there are many effective and affordable options.