New member
Hi, there are alot of gear stuff name and some stuff link that i can pronouce properly, can some one help me out?
Ibanez ( I bane? or i-ban-nez)
Yngwie Malsteen ( You-Gi Mal-steen?)
Joe Satriani ( Sat-tri-ah-ni?)
Zildjiian ( Zild - zen?)
Mahogany (no idea?)
Alder? (elder?)
Dimarzio? (no idea)
Seymor Duncan? (no idea)
still got alot more, but couldt think anymore atm, will update need help, thx alot Im really bad at speaking
Ibanez ( I bane? or i-ban-nez)
Yngwie Malsteen ( You-Gi Mal-steen?)
Joe Satriani ( Sat-tri-ah-ni?)
Zildjiian ( Zild - zen?)
Mahogany (no idea?)
Alder? (elder?)
Dimarzio? (no idea)
Seymor Duncan? (no idea)
still got alot more, but couldt think anymore atm, will update need help, thx alot Im really bad at speaking