Correct Pronunciation Thread


New member
Hi, there are alot of gear stuff name and some stuff link that i can pronouce properly, can some one help me out?

Ibanez ( I bane? or i-ban-nez)
Yngwie Malsteen ( You-Gi Mal-steen?)
Joe Satriani ( Sat-tri-ah-ni?)
Zildjiian ( Zild - zen?)
Mahogany (no idea?)
Alder? (elder?)
Dimarzio? (no idea)
Seymor Duncan? (no idea)

still got alot more, but couldt think anymore atm, will update :D need help, thx alot :D Im really bad at speaking
Ibanez- Most pronounce I-buh-nez, some E-ba-nez
Yngwie Malsteen ( Ying-vay Malm-steem)
Joe Satriani ( satch-tria-ni)
Zildjiian ( zild-je-un)
Mahogany (ma-haw-guh-ni)
Alder? (all-der)
Dimarzio? (di-mart-zee-o)
Seymor Duncan? (See-mur Dunk-en)
quilted? (qui-wil-ted)

well those are my interpretations, hope it helps..
Yngwie Malsteen ( Ying-vay Malm-steem)


I dont know how to say his name, but i assumed it was

yang-gwee malmsteem

there was another persons name i didnt know hwo to pronounce but forget now.
I think the Ibanez pronunciation if relative to your region. 'I-banez', or 'E-banez'. Much like the American pronunciation of anti, 'an-tye'. While the English has it as 'an-tea'.
Since we are in Sgp, it'd probably be E-banez.

Alder - All-der.
Satriani - Sa-tri-ani.

Hmm, these words are all easily pronounced from their spelling aren't they?
Phil said:
I think the Ibanez pronunciation if relative to your region. 'I-banez', or 'E-banez'. Much like the American pronunciation of anti, 'an-tye'. While the English has it as 'an-tea'.
Since we are in Sgp, it'd probably be E-banez.

Alder - All-der.
Satriani - Sa-tri-ani.

Hmm, these words are all easily pronounced from their spelling aren't they?

told u the guy was from china or something....
I guess not everyone has equal standards in terms of the English Language .... let's be nice and helpful to share our knowledge shall we?

How about les paul??? is it pronounced as "less paul" or "ler paul" ???? I clearly remembered my teacher saying that "les miserables" is pronounced as ' ler mi-ze-rab' .... so is it "less paul" or "ler paul"??????
chud said:
man that guy must be from china or something...dumb...

stop it, just stop making fun of others please. it's not funny, really. I am sure there are some or in fact, many chinese from china who can own you in english, so please stop discriminating. at least he's humble enough to ask for help. anything wrong with that?? Geez...
Ibanez ( ee-ban-ez)
Yngwie Malsteen ( ng-vay malm-steen )
Joe Satriani ( sat-ree-arn-ee )
Zildjiian ( Zild-yan )
Mahogany (mer-hor-gern-ee)
Alder? (all-der)
Dimarzio? (dee-mar-zio)
Seymor Duncan? (see-more dunk-an)
quilted (keel-ted)
My dad says eye-banez and we are Australian people and that was in the 70's when he got his Ibanez.

I say eyebanez like him, but does anyone remember the marty friedman clinic tour, what it was called there?

James has it on video...
hmm... main complications are yngwie malmsteen and ibanez.

i always call yngwie as ying-wee malmsteen
ibanez - e-ber-nez

as for my question is ephiphone. is it pronounced as air-PEE-phone or air-fee-phone?
Errr dude, its spelt Epiphone, only one F sound.

therefore I think its safe to say


both are the same anyway
chinese pronounciations of g3

satriani = xia qu na li = go down where?

petrucci = bu chu qu = don't go out

vai = wai = twisted