my only main problem is him wanting to raise funds by "blog-begging sales" to go overseas to study (a luxury) not as if local education system sucks balls or anything.
i may be shallow to say this but it looks just the same as a newbie guitarist asking for help saying "I don't want to quit learning guitar, so my LAST and ONLY idea is to sell cookies, so I can buy a fender MIJ. and mi is in $4000 debt. the music sch principal said I got very high potential in playing guitar and i don't want to waste the opportunity..."
so if you quit studies now you can't pick it up in future? if you got a $4Kdebt you consider selling cookies? if you can even afford to study anything at all (compared to some financially-challenged individuals), you'd rather do it overseas?
i appear to be flaming, because I am.I seriously hope no more kids rely on blog-begging business to solve problems. i've come across some seriously bimbo girl blogs who at least have more entrepreneurship than cookieboy selling fashionable clothes and accessories.
20cents worth