I got an email about his blog and went to check it out. Well I don't see any reasons for the $4000 debt stated explicitly on his blog and thus I decided to do some research / investigating. Oh hell, even his own friend doesn't know. (Don't ask me who, I think it's better that I don't disclose the identity of the person I talked to)
With such poor content, I kindda doubt his gpa of 4.0. (Maybe he is smart, maybe not, I don't know) If I were to infer from all that mess, he's trying to say the $4000 debt is for academic expenses? Ok, that would be bull crap then. $4000 won't be enough for you to study in Canada and if it's for local studies, I don't think ITE fees cost that much after all the subsidies that the government has to offer. Oh yes, why can't Mr. 4.0 get scholarships and bursaries?
It would be good if he could come up with a better solution to raise money, don't think selling cookies is the way to go. He bakes himself? He must have a lot of time then. He gets them from some supplier? Oh, where does the money come from? Ok, so maybe he's smarter and I assume he is since he talks a lot about his academic achievements. He secures the sales first then purchase the cookies? That's a lot of administrative work for a student to handle... Hmmm...
The question of his how his debt came about still lies unanswered and I really hate people begging for cash on the internet without a valid reason.