Connect Keyboard output to Hotel PA system.


New member
My friend is getting married next month.
He intend to have a keyboardist to play keyboard on his wedding.

However, he been told by the Hotel personel that they not allow us to connect the Keyboard directly to their PA system.
As they have a case before whereby they doing the same thing, but after few songs the ceiling speaker somehow burst. I'm not sure the detail of the case. But just curious, how come keyboard can burst the speaker???

Now, they only offer us to MIC-UP from our own speaker connected to our keyboard (since my keyboard don't have built-in speaker).

Just wondering is there any alternative way before we drop this idea?
Hi mingguan,

I recall you telling me that you are going to play outside the ballroom - ie in the reception area, right? If you connect you keyboard to their PA system, then the sound will be coming out from their ceiling speakers (ie those small speakers with low definition sound). Those speakers are equivalent to something like the PC speakers (maybe even worse). They are meant to play those background "elevator music". If you push your volume too high, you're likely to burst them. However, if you are playing in the ballroom (and if they have proper amps and speakers), most of the time they will let you connect to their mixer. I've done that many times - in the ballroom itself, that is.
now not even the foyer (pre-wedding cocktail),
even in the ballroom (during wedding),
they also not allow...
we trying alternative way (Karaoke track) if connect keyboard to their PA's "LINE-IN" really not allowed
Which hotel is this? Looks like they got some really bad experience in the past. Most are quite accomodating, if the soundman understands that I'm only going to plug into their line-in. I used to bring my own small 12-channel mixer - mix everything through my mixer then send the balanced output from my mixer to theirs. They are happier to do things like this rather than everything goes into their system.
On PA audio connection, everything is possible with the right patch or interface/converter. It's due to user and/or operator incompetence that will lead to overload, thus damage. Which is very costly.

Hotel PA are meant for in-house usage boundary only. Meaning you are only allowed to use what is provided, or what they have experience in. It's not reasonable to ask them to accomodate you on things that they themselves have no experience in.

Simple, if you use their stuff, and the ceiling speakers blow, caused by you overloading them. Lets say the ceiling is 2storey high. Are you going to hire scafolding, climb up and replace it for them, if it's the only way??

The normal route is to engage rental companies who have expertise and equipment to provide. A very safe and clean solution.

If you don't have budget, just make do with whatever you can find or provided. Again, if you borrow something in good condition, it's good ethics to return the item in the same condition.
its quite strange.. they do have a house speaker and mixer in the ballroom right? So u just have to connect your keyboard to that mixer via either a DI box or if your keyboard is right next to the mixer just line in directly to it from the keyboard...

If they don't even allow you to do that then i think your friend the bridegroom should start making noise to the hotel ballroom manager..
usually hotels do not have the mixer inside the ballroom, it is hidden away in a control room. there are patching boxes all around the ballroom. they are usually next to the power points.

these patching boxes are usually XLR, patching your keyboard in will require a DI box.

dont use the hotel ceiling speakers lah. they dont sound good.

rent a small sound system that will do justice to your music. :wink:
Indigo_blues said:
its quite strange.. they do have a house speaker and mixer in the ballroom right?

Most established hotel will definitely have a set or two ... But the rental price they charge are ridiculous. A simple setup from an events company probably cost you 200 to 300 bucks when the hotel is charging you 500 just because it's a hotel.
Thanks for replies.
We decided of doing the pre-dinner cocktail in the ballroom itself instead of foyer. And were thinking of using "Mic up" instead of renting those sounds system. As it is cheaper.