Computer Corrupt, Final Boot


New member
My computer just got corrupted by some unknown programme and things are getting out of hand. Therefore this computer shall be put down (I'm not joking). I've backed up all my files safely and all the nessesary files are now in CD-Rs.

Thing is, since I will not be able to receive any updates from SOFT for awhile (perhaps till March 06, when I get a laptop), I'll need to receive updates by phone. Therefore I hope those SOFTies out there who know me will kindly help me out.
Sounds like the infection of trojans, spyware & adwares, the current scourge of the net.

Sorry dude, you will need to reformat your PC if the infection is already bad. Also need to check your hardware, eg motherboard, psu, hdisk, so that you can recover sucessfully.

I have being doing computers repair for 15yrs.... these are bad times to be ignorant.

Why I say so is because, the infections are caused by your (the user) own actions. They (infection) appear in disguise to trick you, and you got tricked to allow them to infect your own PC.

So, have a valid antivirus program (not expired), do not expect freebies from the web (eg. games, vids, mp3...), do web search with care, and do not proceed on any suspicious page or popups (unsolicited virus/spyware warning).
hey dood, so sori u'r com got out of hand...
if me, i'd get an ext. drive and backup the files there.
when u say its gonna be put down, do u mean u'r gonna throw the pc away?
Mmm if you have another hard disk you can link it to your existing one and clean the infected one. no need to reformat...