Coming General Elections- what it means to you

Coming General Elections- what it means to you

  • Not of legal voting age yet, will be more in tune when the time comes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Very happy with the current politics, will support current politicians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We need more oppositions, please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sorry- not into politics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will support whoever is at the helm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Current opposition has credibility issues- where's the fight in that?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Kengz...I am a poly student in NUS , they are increasing the number of intake esp for poly students and they are oso letting poly students have a chance to study diff majors other than wat they major in poly. Foreign students who receive subsidies have to serve a bond of 3 or 6years dependiing on the amount of subsidy, they have to work in spore for 3 or 6 years. Singapore is a instant success country, so when we don have the talent, we jus lure overseas talents here. And i can feel their ever increasing presence in NUS.
HeartRockSingapore said:
Kengz, very sensible and practical thoughts. I hope you are not a victim of bureucratic uni admin.

Well, actually I am. But I know myself, it was more laziness on my part (during poly) than anything. I guess a C+/B result leaves u hanging by a thread as compared to a B+ (++)

And yeah, I do know that they're increasing slots every year. The question is, are they increasing enough to cope with the demands? Oh well, guess that's life. Overseas, here I come!!! :lol:
i juz find them suckin up with the residents!!..(oops!) do you see them going along the residents coffeeshop shaking hands and visiting pple at the estates on any other non-voting day??...Sheesh!...
Just back from the WP rally at AMK.
Always threatening to rain, but the weather held out, amazingly.
Mind-boggling turnout as usual.
Lots of issues mentioned, too many to expound on.
Press freedom, or lack thereof, is the one I took special interest in.
Electrifying speeches which were not short of charm, wit, and tugged on the heartstrings of many present. Atmosphere was akin to that of a Malaysian Cup Final.

All over the island, the rising discontent against the PAP is palpable.
Majority of Parliament might still be firmly within their grasp this time, but the next time round , they would be in for a real fight I'm dead certain. Opposition are drawing more quality candidates, and as people become more educated and exposed(owing largely to the Internet), they realise the injustices in the system.

What I experienced at the rally reminded me of a recent movie I watched, V for Vendetta. You could feel something happening. An inexorable tide of change.
Now this is what politics should be like!

P.S: next WP rally at Serangoon Stadium tmr. I strongly recommend everyone to check it out.
WP - AMK Rally...

can picture the masked axeman kicking off with 'shyboy' there.....packed out....

my district Aljunied - gonna be interesting to see who - this era of voters choose as their voice.
I guess it's true that Singapore needs some opposition parties in parliment to give another view to PAP's domaince.

A lot have been said that the government only take care of the rich and not so for the lower income, and the country is currently run like a business and not a nation.

very sad to say in life what matters most is the $$$ but besides the bread and butter is there anything else that Singapore wants to achieve?
we need a society with heart.
we have all the hardware we need- the skycrapers, highways, infrastructure etc.
But this society is deplete in software. There is no sense of belonging, no real love for the country and fellow citizens, esp among the young.
We need a Government who will bring us forward together, and not one which pushes the Elites forward, while the rest of us are left further and further behind;
A caring and compassionate Government who gives second chances.

-Paraphrased from one of the WP speakers
"I pointed to an article with bold headlines reporting that the police had refused to allow the PAP to hold a rally at Empress Place, and then to the last paragraph where in small type it added the meeting would take place where we were now. I compared this with a prominent report about an SPA rally. This was flagrant bias."

- Lee Kuan Yew complaining about the Straits Times in 1959.

I met one uncle last night when I was talking with 2 other friends about the election. I'm still not of age to vote yet. :)

The uncle sounded like he was really opposing PAP. We were just sitting beside a huge PAP AMK GRC banner with LHL's face on the banner. He overheard my conversation with my 2 friends and came over to talk to us about politics. I asked if he was a voter and he said no.

He said something about Singapore being cursed and the oppositions are rising and stuff like that. He also said that a huge percentage of graduates from NUS+NTU are foreigners and they call them the foreign talents.

Then he said something about Singapore becoming Ingapore and we'll all be doing the coconut tree dance.

There was also this graduate mom policy that some people exercise. "Baby haven't even come out, graduate mom and dad secure a place for them in good schools already. Backdoors."

I think that uncle's name is George. Has anybody else met him before and can verify what he's said?
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