

New member
What combos are recommended? :O
Under say, $250? My budget is really tight.

And Acoustic B20s don't come in here so it's pretty much saddening :(
maybe hartke A series or ibanez soundwaves... or peavey microbass. i'm not sure what will be in your budget though, but i'd try to go for at least 35W if possible
+1 on the Behringers. Their tone is relatively decent and i think you can get a 35W for a decent price.

I got my Soundwave (the one you use at my place) for about $240 at Swee Lee really long ago. I'm not sure if they are still selling at the same price. 35W too.

Ashdowns are decent for the tone but they have this strange mid scoop effect when everything's flat. Just doesn't feel right to me.

You can check out Orange Amps at Yamaha Combo Shop too. They are selling their Crush 20B at about $200 if i remember correctly.

If not; second hand amps man. hahahahah...
Behringers are good? i dunno, they kinda have a bad reputation for quality control, or so i heard. the one i had didn't sound very good either. or maybe it was because it was only 15W.

i'm using a Orange Crush 20B now. sounds pretty good and can get quite loud, my volume never goes past 2. i wouldn't mind trying an Ashdown though...i've heard good things about them.

Yeah, Behringer sounds dodgy but so far they are decent lah. Not the best but just okayy.

The Behringer i tried was a 210 combo.