Collection of shirts and related stuff


New member
This thread will be used for collection purposes.

  1. For those who ordered the shirts but can't make it to the DXS meetup, pls msg me at 97532991 with ur soft nick/real name so that i can arrange another meetup for you guys to collect it.
  2. For those who ordered the shirts, but have not fully paid for it, if possible, pls do a fund transfer/ibanking to posb savings a/c 228-23922-4. Thats because i will need to collect enough money to pay the factory. If not possible, pls try to turn up at the 8th DXS meetup. :)
List Of People who haven't fully paid up yet
  1. rla
  2. zyk
  3. reuben
  4. melvin
  5. danial
  • rla
  • zyk
  • reubuen
  • danial
GUYS, this is the official thread you can order from
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Hey bro. Melvyn here. Just to clarify, I thought the tshirt was $20? I paid $20 at the last meetup and I'm still short? How much is it exactly?
UPDATE: List Of People who haven't fully paid up yet

rd ($20 to be paid next DXS)
rla ($20 to be paid next DXS)
snowflier ($20 to be paid next DXS)
xenogenesis ($10)
bsltn ($10)
marcdrummer ($10)
zyk ($10)
chunleng ($30)
frummer ($10)
gambatak ($40)
reuben ($20)
rajiu ($10)
melvin ($20)
danial ($20)
jeepers ($10)
nkf31 ($20)
DG ($20)
sidmontu ($40)

Thanks for doing this man.
guys...if can..try to pay up before the next DXS...preferbly by end of october...cause i need to pay the factory...otherwise i have to try to come up with the rest of the money...tks..:)
LOL y'all damn lame.

eh jackson, jasper here. will transfer the cash over to you within the week aite.
Hi Everyone

We would highly appreciate if all those that had not remmitted the Tee-Shirts Payment in Full to starvingArtists to do so soonest - as the Tees will be ready by this Friday 26.10.2007.

Kindly understand that - starvingartists will have to remit full payment to the maker upon collection - please extend your co-operation & understanding..

Thank YOu

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