Coil tap.

Newbie said:
Sorry how does it work actually? It sorta make the pickup sound 'thinner'?

e.g. one pickup is wound for 10,000 times.
Coil tap means there's a cable for you to tap, maybe around 8,000 wounds, so you will get less hot output. (10,000 and 8,000 in this example is just plain example).
actually, razrash, a humbucker IS two coils already... coil tapping is essentially killing/grounding a coil so only 1 coil is active.
<-- Noob.

Anyway. i've got a squier 51.. So if say, i swich my toggle to the single coil, and i "tap" it.. What exactly happens to the pickup?

Btw coil tap will mean the volume knob's thingy right?
Newbie, coil tapping (also called coil splitting) is used for humbuckers or stacked hums....

Like what i said, its killing/grounding 1 coil, so the humbucker effectively becomes a single coil.

Thats the idea.

You can't coil tap a single coil. There's nothing to tap...or rather, to split.

Whats the relation with the vol knob?
ah u can't coil tap a single coil. unless its one of those stacked versions by dimarzio, i.e. the HS2s or HS3s. else they are untappable, so to speak. only humbuckers, or humbucking pickups with 2 coils can be tapped. correct me if i'm wrong though. can't coil tap a single coil. the purpose of the coil tap is to allow your humbuckers to sound like single coils. basically only one side of the humbucker pickup will be used, so its like a single coil.

as for the volume know, i think what u mean is a push pull volume pot right? u can use this to initiate your coil tap....or u can use a dpdt 2 way switch like what i used on y guitar. there's many rewiring stuf fu can do on ur rig and many diff types of switches you can use and all.
oops, back to topic...

i'm using a strat imitation pups are HS3-HS3-Paf Pro
thinking of coil tapping my middle pickup to get abit more of a "strat-ish" kinda sound ....

would there be any compatibility issues after dat ?
nah, should not have compatibility issues, except... welcome to 60 cycle hum... and you gotta tap the right coil, otherwise, if you tap the wrong coil, then run the middle with the bridge PAF Pro, you will get an out of phase sound... :)
ahh ...

how do i know which coil to tap ??

i'm not using those push-pull pots coz ...
i doubt my pickguard would be able to stand the abuse ...
so like ...
for dimarzio hs3 ... left the white and black wire ...
erm ... how would you advise ? (wiring to the pickup selector)
im using a coil tap washburn N edition... haha.. its quite nice.. but im thinking of changing the pickups to dimarzio or EMGS
i read over this post a few times also don't really understand what is coil tap... anyone has a good website can reference? or some pictures?

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