cleaning rust on pickups

i noe this works for rusted screws and bridges but dunnoe abt pups.. if i'm not wrong read this book from the library "player's guide to guitar maintainance" or something like that i think naptha or lighter fluid shud do the trick.. but depends on how bad the rust is lah... must soak wan actualli.. but i guess u cud try swiping wif a damp cloth of naptha.. not sure if it realli works for pups tho think juz try small area first.. dunt soak..

cheers =)
Try using a pen eraser (the blue end of a two colour eraser) or very fine sandpaper (500grit or better) and then put a thin layer of oil on the pickup to prevent it rusting again.



Guys!! Its a pup! Its got plastic and wax there! If you are going to use those strong stuff like Autosol and Brasso... I mean.. you got to be kidding me!

Try using some nafta/lighter fluid.. these things evaporate. If you can tape off the plastic, using some fine steel wool will do but it might scratch, though its not obvious.

And when you are done, you can try coating a thin layer of singer oil over the screws...

In all things, don't use too much of anything... just enough to get the job done. A pup isn't easy to break but don't try. ;)
i tried to sandpaper it n a lot of rust is gone but on the other hand,the metal seems to hav sunk(maybe but hopefully not part of. it has worn off)..
ShredCow said:
Guys!! Its a pup! Its got plastic and wax there! If you are going to use those strong stuff like Autosol and Brasso... I mean.. you got to be kidding me!

why leh?
Autosol doesn't have any effect on plastic, I suppose.
Hmmmm... actually, yeah, why? I'm not sure abt how autosol affect plastic...

I know Brasso will corrode it ... not sure abt autosol!
I've used autosol on my pup covers, havent seem to have corroded anything yet. works really well in cleaning up tarnished hardware... sure beats sandpaper or steel wool.

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