Classical pieces?

Many of them are famous. Listing them down would be impossible. It would take 3 pages at least. Easiest way is to a google search.
use Yoshiki Selection I and II as a guide, most of them are by Tchaikovsky

p/s: dun angry ah, xjapan again. :lol:
Cheez said:
Many of them are famous. Listing them down would be impossible. It would take 3 pages at least. Easiest way is to a google search.
Got any nicest not? den u say so much.. i listen till my ear bleed :lol:
Okay let me give you some, my favourite all time (thansk to yoshiki)

Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake
J.S Bach - Fugue In Gm
tany said:
chopin's revolution in c minor :lol:

Revolutionary Etude, not revolution. Nothing to do with a political movement, but the way the left hand moves, although some said that it was written when Warsaw fell into the hands of the Russians.

It was said that "the study is in the right hand and the revolution is in the left".
Eh.. talking about classical......

PG's Whole Lotta Sonata nice leh..

:lol: opps.. is that neo classical? sorry i off topic :lol: :lol:
gordonzz said:
Could anyone recommend me any famous pieces by Chopin or Tchaikovsky?

Thanks. :)

Nocturne in E Flat Major by Chopin

Piano Concerto in B Minor by Tchaikovsky

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (I think it's by Tchaikovsky)

Chopin's Revolutionary Etude in C minor by Chopin

Anyways gordon , I'm surprised that you listen to classical music :D
DoubleBlade said:
gordonzz said:
Could anyone recommend me any famous pieces by Chopin or Tchaikovsky?

Thanks. :)

Nocturne in E Flat Major by Chopin

Piano Concerto in B Minor by Tchaikovsky

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (I think it's by Tchaikovsky)

Chopin's Revolutionary Etude in C minor by Chopin

Anyways gordon , I'm surprised that you listen to classical music :D

hehe... i have all u said above liao.. u recommend too late..

by the way.. if im not wrong.. its not wrong to DOWNLOAD classical pieces :D so we can download freely!!! :D :D :lol:

lol.. why suprise? den what music do you think i was in before? :P

since young.. listen to those nice classical pieces on tv comemrcial ads.. den dono wads the title.. no money to buy the cd last time also.. now is revenge time :evil: