Chords Of Life

Ah my bad I thought it was an original............ :oops:

Very fluid playing with feel IMO, I especially like your clean tone in the intro :D
Nice cover man! :)

I love the tones you're getting, I've never heard the original piece before, but I can hear that satch tone already 8)
SoulJah said:
Nice cover man! :)

I love the tones you're getting, I've never heard the original piece before, but I can hear that satch tone already 8)

Using a Ibanez JS-1(circa 1991) :wink:
pooo said:
Where did you get the JS-1?

:wink: Bought some time back.....White, Edge bridge with the original PU configs..(Reverse wound reverse polarity for Paf Pro on the neck and Fred on bridge),a non prestige thing at that time....sure worth a bomb ain't it?
No way man... a JS1!?!?!? :) Its worth A LOT. Just post some pics here asap... and post some on Jemsite for good measure... watch them jemsiters go gaga over it!

Downloading your song now. ;)
ShredCow said:
No way man... a JS1!?!?!? :) Its worth A LOT. Just post some pics here asap... and post some on Jemsite for good measure... watch them jemsiters go gaga over it!

Downloading your song now. ;)

Way has been verified :wink:
I like this... the original was nice... Strange Beautiful Music was a nice JS album... pretty original in many aspects...

Your playing is excellent on this... you sound confident and its a VERY good cover! You nailed the heavier sections very very nicely. I am impressed. You would do JS proud. :)

Comments... well... I guess for the quieter parts where you use a split (?) neck tone, you can roll off more tone? To make it sound more similiar to the original.

Btw, stellar mixing. I would like to discuss your recording techniques/gear with you one day... I'm impressed with it!

Good job on this!
even tho i havent heard... but i would believe tht its gonna be kickass as usual! haha rock on bro!
ShredCow said:
Btw, stellar mixing. I would like to discuss your recording techniques/gear with you one day... I'm impressed with it!

It is a very simple setup actually.Sure we can discuss that soon bro.I'll be glad to.