Chinese tabs and songs chords

Ichiro said:
ai ru chao sui
xin dong
chun zai beyond's version
yong qi

Beyond version.. What song is this? I never heard before.. Chun Zhen by May Day?

I taking project break... Search mode on for you... 8)
BTW... the songs covered by many people before... Who's version are you after actually.. I mean give a range or wat.. 8)
It's hard to find online versions. You can try to look for those song books in Popular bookstores. A lot of mandarin songs with chords. $6 per book. Printed in Malaysia one...I know I have ai ru chao shui, xin dong, and i have seen yong qi, but din buy that book..
Scream_ed said:
It's hard to find online versions. You can try to look for those song books in Popular bookstores. A lot of mandarin songs with chords. $6 per book. Printed in Malaysia one...I know I have ai ru chao shui, xin dong, and i have seen yong qi, but din buy that book..

I have already located some of those songs.. but I need to know the version Ichiro wants... :wink:
You have? Can you point me to the sites? Seriously I din know where to look. A lot of Chinese songs I tried to figure out on my own, like Lydia by FIR...Just wanna compare notes.