Chinablack Private Party on the 24th!!!


New member
so... any1 got more info on this?

heard ppl from ijtp, scgs, acsi and mgs all go... can't find the info on their website...

how much is it and how to get in?

any1 going?
hmm 12 bux a ticket! my friends getting mine for me! btw its entry age is 13, no alcohol, no cigs some ppl would prolly bring their own alcohol
pepper- said:
welcome to the paedophile club. =\

Pepper, i AM from acs i...

And yea I don't suggest you try bringing your own alcohol in. I just did some checking and apparently the bouncers will still be
Plus, if it's an officially sanctioned party, then security is gonna be tight. I'd expect that the friendly police will drop in to check if any underage people are drinking/smoking :lol:
Its organised by a classmate of a friend of mine. If you want tix you can get me on msn or something and ill hook you up with a couple of them.
it's gonna be lame. and im sure some smart ass will bring ciggs and alcohol and have the cops crashing. what fun is a club without alcohol and ciggs. oh wait, there's coke. NO SHIT
i WOULD go there just because ACS(I) is my alma mater and my band played there, but there's no alcohol. i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do there. i don't know any of the students, and i doubt my old teachers are gonna turn up. doesn't seem like it'd be a whole lot of fun.

it sounds like a sausagefest of boys hopped up on coke or pepsi, trying to dance to R&B surrounded by guys instead of girls.
err ok i was going through some surveys and this is what i just found written in one of them.

Hi girls, I’m the one of the organizer for fling@chinablack. I’m not sure whether you’ve heard of it, but I hope you all could make it down. It happens on the 24th November 2005, at the highest level of pacific plaza(chinablack.) ALCOHOL and CIGARRETS are strictly prohibited. This party is specially catered to teenagers out there like yourself. $12(presale) $15(door), both prices inclusive of a mocktail. Call if you need additional info. 90699559.

who's mia hiang?
oh nvm.. one of the organisers apparently..

what's the point of going to a club when alcohol+smoking aren't allowed? defeats the entire purpose of going there.. unless there's something special planned to make up for that..