Cheap and okay quality acoustics

nic1327 said:
buy a bag from them. erm should be about $25 +.

nope, dun buy those cheapo types, invest in a good acoustic bag, i hated the cheapo non-paded bag i got for mi acoustic 2 years ago, everytime go out, mi acoustic got new dents, den the straps are crappy and uncomfortable, 1 came off already, and well, the "donk" sound everytime my acoustic nudges something, very heart pain
Takamine is a great value for money brand, but they also sound awesome. My classical is a takamine and it cost about 170 and sounds great.
only Davis carries Takamine right? I am not exactly looking at a classical.... think the takamines in Davis is a little out of my range...
Then i will suggest getting a Maestro =)

Good quality stuff and chio looking. Much better then kapok or Finas

if u wan to get a good quality padded bag, i think they have also. Similar to the Taylors version, which I heard that the bag is from the same factory

opps, forgot to end the thread. Bought a Takamine on Tuesday after all. The FINAs just couldn't make it in terms of sound. My Takamine sounds awesome seriously, for the price.
Aiyo... you should give the Maestro a try b4 buying your taka... but since you got it... NO REGRETS man... keep it strumming :lol: