Changing strings?


New member
How many of you here remove all the strings when replacing the old ones with a new set? Apparently it throws the tension off balance, but its more convenient to clean the fretboard and all.
Comments anyone?
Erm lets say if my high E snaps, i'll change everything. Yeah one thing is to clean the fretboards and frets..

Yours is floyd rose?
I only remove everything if the guitar is hardtail or has a vintage, easy to manage tremolo system. But usually i just replace one at a time. It's a habit i cultivated after my first floyd rose equipped guitar.
i used to replace all at once too for my floating bridge..but theres once the metal holder tinggie inside drop out..and i have to bring it for repair ~_~ ever since..i change alternate strings @.@
Since he mentioned a floating bridge, could he be referring to the tiny metal block which helps clamp the string?
nope..its not those metal thing that clamp the sumthing deeper inside..think its a metal blk that holds the bridge? just 1 small black metal rectangular blk..

any idea whats that? its an original floyd rose by the way
remove all the strings at once... better for fretboard maintenance... just prepare a nice workspace for your guitar and be careful not to shift any bridge parts... I also tend to tuneup in the following order to equalise string tension... 1, 6, 5, 2, 3, 4
Even if you have a floyd rose you can still change all the strings at once to do some fretboard maintenance, just use an eraser or a deck of cards to block the trem from behind the guitar and your set :D

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