Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter power issues


New member

Read from the manual that this pedal accepts 100 or 115 or 220VAC supply. Does this mean that one can subject the pedal to all 3 different kind of power supply? Is the pedal equipped with automatic switching when different power supply is provided?

And, do Carl Martin sell this pedal that accepts 100VAC alone? Or 220VAC alone for that matter?

Obviously I'll be using this pedal in Singapore which means 220VAC. Don't want to be damaging the pedal before I can even use it. AND.. in the event if something happens, are there any good shop for pedal repairs?

On another note, I also found out that almost all other Carl Martin pedals have the same power requirement too (100 or 115 or 220VAC). So if you guys have any experience, please help.

yup it's a 110AC only unit.
apparently there should be some sort of sticker or instruction pasted on the unit to specify this but obviously mine didn't have that.

I changed the transformer to accept 220AC. $8.80 lesson from RS component. Free delivery too!
multitap transformers aren't hard to implement... too bad they're not as widespread as they should be yet