can u travel with guitar on an airplane?

i travelled through SIA. was allowed to hand carry but they would take it away once on board cos cannot stow overhead or something. I forgot whether moisture then was a problem though. if they do not stow it in the baggage compartment there shouldn't be a problem with moisture. on board the planes they have the HEPA filters which help with moisture and bacteria if i'm not wrong. don't quote me on that.

Hi all,

this isn't airline specific, just general aircraft info:

There aren't many places in the passenger cabin to stow something like a full unbolted guitar. There are coat closets but you have to be lucky to squeeze a guitar in as the width is approx. 12-15 inches wide, basically enough for a few coats. It also depends on the ground staff and cabin crew if they have the time and space to allow a guitar to be brought on board. If the initial ground staff allows you to bring the guitar on board, the cabin crew can still take it away and get it checked into the cargo hold, along with the bay strollers, prams, wheelchairs, etc.

The cargo hold is approx. 7 degrees Celsius, and if a live animal is there, it can be set to 21 degrees C. From the time the guitar is offloaded from the aircraft to the time it goes to the carousel, the temperature difference will cause condensation. Cannot escape, even our normal luggage also gets moisture all over.

The HEPA filters are there to purify air and farts. :P Moisture on board would be great as it is very dry in the cabin. See how your skin flakes on long flights? Moisture is not present much on board because the aircon is sourced from the engines. And the engines are HOT. The aircon units cool the hot air and gives it to the cabin, that's why its so dry.

Aiyo, I've been watching too much Discovery channel! In short, if you're checking in your guitar, dry it ASAP!

can i cover it with something which would protect it from the mositure?
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well see. lucky i say don't quote me on the HEPA thing. haha. dude at least you're watching discovery channel. good for you.

and i really think you can't do anything about the moisture dude. just gotta take it out asap and wipe it down. can't do anything to protect against the vast temperature diff
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Maybe wrap a towel around it? Or rub a fair bit of Dr. Duck on the guitar before you check it in? Actually, I could be paranoid but I'm more concerned about the internal electrics getting wet. I think I'm paranoid! Anybody else with more ideas?
don't wrap the towel. dumbest thing i ever did. will concentrate the moisture at that point. caused the current state of my edge pro 7 rust. throw a bunch of thirsty hippo sachets inside. will probably save your guitar for a while.
I've carried a bunch of guitars on flights with me, including my Taylor and Doozy in hardcases, for all sorts of airlines. Just don't bring the guitar with you to the check-in counter, so they won't make you check it in.

Once you make it to the plane, either get in early and shove it up in the luggage compartment (on bigger planes, the compartments are actually all connected, just with different 'doors', then shut it so people will think it's full (an air steward actually did this for me.. ha), or just ask for the cloak compartment!
If the artistes that I've worked with all check in their equipment without any second thought, I don't see the need to do anything different.

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