Can anyone back up my argument?

does it make one's life happier to classified every kind of music into a specific genre? what sounds like electro tech to me might sounds like tech microhouse to another. what might be classified into screamo may just sound like some angry pimple-fied kid yelling his head off to me. lets just enjoy the music.
back you up in your argument? No need lah...

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Let them say chi gek for what..
Lol, Snuff ur signature really goes with ur reply, Lol...

In a way I agree with Scruff.

1st - Cannot tolerate Emo :lol:

2nd - I also never heard of the term Post-Rock since beginning of this year

But appreciation is subject to personal opinion. :roll:
As music styles/genres are getting recycled more and more these days, nothing is new...people just give them fancy names in order to convince others that their stuff is unique and different from others, etc.

These days, I think it's easier to identify them by the hairstyles they spot :lol:
"the guitar used enough delay that it'll last until the year 2014 before his delay tone finished,"

OMG that made me laugh! damn funny comment!
i get frustrated too.
i had initially thought that it'd be because
i can't keep up with the genres. but when
i talked to more people, apparently approx.
9/10 of the musician population can't keep
up with the genres and sub-genres either.
(if musicians can't keep up, who the hell made
them up though?

so now everything to me is classified into
more general genres like rock, pop,
classical etc. and good/bad music.
If satan created rock, then he wouldnt be the devil now would he?

I think genres are just another way of profiling different groups of people to what type of music they like.....People have the right to like what they like.....What right do you have to diss someone just cos he's not 'metal' or 'rocker'?

I listen to lotsa stuff that range from Vital remains to Utada Hikaru...What does that make me?

Respect music and respect the people
isnt it an irony we have so much angst over musical taste in a website called "sound of friends together", aka Shall we be ashamed

:lol: :lol:

before the world end, humanity and the lack of exposure to world outside the well, will kill us first.

:cry: :cry:
These so-called classification for styles/genres usually came from smart-ass magazine writers or music critics who think they know better than anyone else. :butthead:
they do their job in writing, same as people doing music as a job. Both coexist. Sometime people playing music think they are clever, sometime people writing think they are clever and most of the time, people reading think they are clever

which one are we or not
I just can't stand many of the young adults (Yes i am also, 19) out there call emo, EMO. Utada Hikaru - First love, thats EMO. Celine Dione - Thats EMO.

And, i guess many people don't know the exact genres, which includes me too. Like all the post rock la, experimental rock, progressive rock,etc etc really confusing to me. haha.