Cabs and Heads


New member
hey guys, id like to know what impedance has to do with Cabs and Heads. from my knowledge i know that you cant really just plug in the guitar into the cab. thus the need for a Head. but i've seen studios whereby they use combo amps and plug it in to the cab. eg Valvestate 50 (speaker output) into a Lead 1960 Cab.

Is this an effective alternative to getting a cab? Or will there be problems such as loss of tone, etc? Most importantly, how do you know whether a particular device (head, preamp, etc) will work/power a cab?

Cheers :wink:
From wat i noe. For SS amps, the impedence doesnt really matter, but if ur using tube amp, its always the best to match the impedence. If not, u may risk blowing the output transformer.

4ohm head still can take 8ohms cab, but try not to use 16ohm. But the tone will be slightly different. But Dont match a 2ohm cab with a 4ohm head, or any cab with lower impedence to a head with higher impedence.

BUT then again, its best to match the cab n head. Stay clear of risk of OT being blown
i plug my Peavey 2X12 into a Marshall 2X12 extension- HAPPY :rock:


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