Buying stuff on ebay(urgent help)


New member
Is there a 100% garrentee tt wat u buy on ebay will go 2 u? like mayb mod kits(monte allums) pedals and etc??? Is the monte ge-7, ts808/ts9 mods worth the money? is his e nut good? Between the ts808 and ts9dx, which is better? Thanks in advance guys
i have DIY the SUSTAINIAC mod on my old MT-2 once

and im pretty impressed with the mod... really change the pedal drastically no more disgusting hassal mids horrible noise of the stock

some gives very good reviews on the TS mod

the TS9DX as said would great to give it a try... people seems to left good testimonials on it

the e nut so far have not heard anyone got it... but im thinking of getting it once got spare $$$
about ebay, just to be careful, some ratings can be fake by creating hundreds od thousands of account just to give each other ratings. some pp do that to the extreme, and some trustable sellers might be tempted to cheat our money unless we play by paypal. normally paying using paypal is normally safe? I heard that there is some anti scam system or something going on

how much is it converted to sgd? for the ts9dx? i like it but i want more.. greedy me... haha. i wan 2 fi nd e best mod.
in singapore around less than 50 bucks plus shipping??

my lasy one was 53 include shipping arrived in about 1 week
Re: stuff

j_m_s said:
that means i can get cheated???? darn

If you can get cheated even in real life, face to face, why not.

i wan 2 find e best mod.

There is no best mod. It depends what amp and guitar and cables you're using, along with your technique. And as usual, what you like to hear. Doesn't make sense if it's the best but sounds horrible to you.
shreddedsweeper said:
about ebay, just to be careful, some ratings can be fake by creating hundreds od thousands of account just to give each other ratings. some pp do that to the extreme, and some trustable sellers might be tempted to cheat our money unless we play by paypal. normally paying using paypal is normally safe? I heard that there is some anti scam system or something going on

safest is pay and collect in person!

next is use escrow.

Paypal is hardly safe for us selling or the User Agreement (you know those 10 pages of english we click saying we read and understand but never do?? :wink: ) Buyer or Seller Protection DOES NOT COVER SINGAPORE.
Email the seller and ask for a couple of extra photos etc. As already mentioned the seller's rating should give you a fair idea. Still it just comes down to luck. Even the veteran users get burned from time to time.

Also save yourself some stress by using a sniper, apparently the best one is here:

If other potential buyers are using a sniper, and you aren't, it puts you at a severe disadvantage.

good luck...

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