Buying strings online?


New member
Hey y'all!

Does anyone have any recommendations to buying strings online?

I've been to Davis several times over the past few months (maybe 5 times over 3 months?) and they NEVER seem to have 5 string sets of DR Sunbeams or Hibeams in stock.

Well, since they won't have my business I'll take it elsewhere. Do you guys get your strings online? Any help is appreciated!
i just order bulk from The Perfect Bass.

same problem as you... when i want a set of strings, the local shops here very rarely stock the set that i want....

:( :(

so have to resort to order online
i think i rather pay more to order online than have the local shops bring everything i want. places like davis charge low prices because they order in bulk. if they start doing small and custom orders they will surely start jacking up the price. find anything in davis and it is downright impossible to get the same thing online at a cheaper price, especially with shipping. for some things we can't order, like things with region-specific power supplies (classic example is MARKBASS). no point in local shops charging boutique prices which are the same as buying online, that would make them totally redundant. in fact, some shops here do...
Thanks for the sharing and commiserating, folks. Looks like the best place so far is

You can use the discount code (TalkBass) to get discounts! I think I'll do some final comparison shopping and make my purchase SOMEWHERE soon.
let me know how that work out for you. i think its abt time i change strings on my bass. 1yr+ liao same strings *grinz
im using sadowsky blue... i only ordered from ebay the time before local dealers started bringing them in. it was shortly after it was released.

now i just get them locally lah alot cheaper. but i dont like experimenting with strings. had some sets i didn't like in the past, but not enough money to change sets anyhow
yeah it's expensive to 'anyhow' buy strings to try. usually after buying 2-3 sets for changes, will stick to one.

bass guitar string still no so bad, a single double-bass string itself is almost S$60. there's no way to 'anyhow' buy a set for this!
yeah it's expensive to 'anyhow' buy strings to try. usually after buying 2-3 sets for changes, will stick to one.

bass guitar string still no so bad, a single double-bass string itself is almost S$60. there's no way to 'anyhow' buy a set for this!
!! Gut strings?
i've tried a few.... but my favourites are D'Addario XL, Sadowsky Blue Labels and DR Fat Beams.

it's the DR Fat Beams that i got difficulty finding in sg.... like davis also no have, but I must say, Davis prices are very very fair, unlike some big shops...
some 'big shops' charge boutique prices even though they bring in large quantities. i know one shop that brings in lots of stuff, but prices arent fair to say the least. once in awhile they have the odd sale when they find that they can't move the stock. thats how i managed to get myself a zvex vextron after stumbling upon a discount by accident. am i giving too much away?
am i giving too much away?

Yes you are. :evil: That particular shop is why I'm a keen supporter of ebay.

Also, @alan: I think changing bass strings quite reasonable ley. I do it regularly around twice yearly, so my 'cost' of playing around with string brands are not more than $100 annually. Bear in mind I only play one bass, a five string fretless, so there aren't a lot of horses to feed in my stable.

And no, unfortunately I'm still looking for that perfect set. DR Hibeams light guage came close, but the G string was very whiny on fretless. I was gonna try medium guage to see if a heavier B E A string will sound different, but DAVIS O DAVIS SO DISAPPOINTING DAVIS.

The Perfect Bass hasn't gotten back to me yet, so I'll keep any of you who're interested in prices informed. Leave a note here or something I'll PM you when I get a reply from them.
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i've always wanted to try DR Nickel Lo-Riders or Sunbeams, but Davis never has them. ended up going for the Fender 7250MLs instead.

it seems like we're actually well off with string prices here. if you look at the prices people are selling for on TB, it's way way more than what we have here. i think i saw Sadowsky strings going for twice more (after shipping) than what we get them for at TYMC.
once a local retailer gets dealership for a certain product its almost impossible to beat their price. especially if the product doesnt have sale restrictions. for example, pedaltrain cannot be shipped overseas if im not mistaken. which is why you would have to get ripped off in buying one here. i should stop implicitly slamming stores, they are all great. in some small way or another...

most US retailers offer 'free shipping' when it is in fact already factored in.
Alright boys and girls. ThePerfectBass doesn't ship just strings to Singapore and ships any size orders for USD$40, which will probably not be worth it, since you can't go above SGD$400 without paying GST locally.

I'm gonna surf and order from some ebay shop. Keep you guys updated again.
