Buying a new bass or changing pick ups?


New member
I have the made in china squier jazz bass california series. Would it be better if I save up to swee lee's end of year sale and buy a new fender jazz bass or just change them to seymour duncan quarter pound pick ups?
Will changing my pick up really change the sound? Cause if i'm gonna buy the fender jazz bass i think I still might want to change to seymour duncan pick ups. I love its thick sound. I just want to hear other people's opinion..thx
i'd rather you add variety to your collection, instead of just adding another single-coil equipped bass. why not save up an add this to your arsenal:

if you wanna mod your jazz bass i suggest bartolini pickups from TYMC. good for all genres, very versatile
btw, music theme sells MIM jazz basses for 900 ish and so does bgw, so its not really necessary to get all your gear from swee lee

the sterling bass above also very nice, from bgw for 900 ish too
buy a new or used good quality well build basses it will last u a very very very very long time
Personally, I like Japanese Fenders and Yamaha Basses more than Mexican ones. For the price range you are looking at you can consider the BB414/BB614 or the BB424 (which is a 414 but with a 5 piece neck). They have a P/J combination and is very versatile. I have one myself and love it :)