burns trisonic pickups


New member
hey all...do you listen to Queen? if you do you would know that the guitarist, brian may, uses burns tri-sonic pickups. im building a replica of the brian may red special and i need those pickups...can anyone help me get contact of any dealer or people who can import these?? another brand of pickups are the seymour duncan brian may pups...help help please!!
his father, Harold May built it with wood from a 19th century fireplace. The tremolo is interesting in that the arm's made from an old bicycle saddle bag carrier, the knob at the end's off a knitting needle and the springs are valve springs from an old motorbike.

LOL, but i like his the tone he gets from his guitar into the ac30 n not forgetting him using a coin to play.

Pls show us the pic after u complete this project!!! ALL THE BEST