Buget bout 700 for amp + guitar + effect.

maybe you can try the used market:

epiphone lp standard $450 used / fender tele/strat MIM/MIJ $500 used
marshall mg15cd $150 used

effects buy second hand too...try out and see what you want.
its low cost experimentation, if you dont like what you hear, you can sell it off at little or no loss.

proco rats, TS-9, OD-2s - just try!
700 bucks...
best bet for value for money. would be the 2nd hand market. but do read some of the reviews and opinions from this forum..the information just might save you some cash...!

a piece of advice would be to get a reasonably good clean amp. and buy a ds-1 for a distortion channel. the ds-1 is an awesome pedal!!
um theres something abt the marshall mg15cdr if you ever think abt it. the distortion channel for the amp is exactly the same as a boss ds-1. so if you're gonna get that amp, you can buy some other pedals instead of the boss ds-1.

pls correct me if im wrong
movingclose said:
the distortion channel for the amp is exactly the same as a boss ds-1. so if you're gonna get that amp, you can buy some other pedals instead of the boss ds-1.

no way man... IMO the distortion on the mg15cdr is bs. and what's with the contour knob, freakin annoying. why couldn't they have put a proper mid eq there... strange decisions.
other than that the clean is ok. ds-1 is still the best deal, or else everyone would have jus bought a mg15cdr :lol:

jus my 2 cents
for amp.. ill suggest the VOX pathfinder 15R..
its good value..
looks good, and has the best clean sound in its price range for a 15watter!!
i own one and its a very good practice amp really.
its even recommended by city music!!

just my 1.5 cents :)
effects try a cheap multi effects...
all the bread and butter effects u'll need..
though single pedal will give u 'stringer' and more distinct sounds.. i suggest the gfx cause u can play around with the settings to tweak to the genre u wanna play and as u said u play anything, its the best bet..
its around 150 from luthermusic i think..
(zoom multi efx.. very user friendly) :)
giam said:
man kidal:
have heard great things abt SX guitars..how are they exactly?
they make good copies?

I own one. They are good first time guitars .... I tried various guitars like yamaha pacifica and squiers and i think the SX is better than them by a long shot .... It has better pickups imo .... Kinda like the ventage ones ... I guess cause both are korean brands .... The look oso very nice except the headstock slightly diff .... But the SST 62 is really a clone look of the fender 62 strat ...
evenes said:
no way man... IMO the distortion on the mg15cdr is bs.

hmmm yea i guess so. but there are a few pple saying that as well ( i mean the distortion of the amp similar to ds-1) . though i would rather buy a ds-1.
I don't get the MG15 knobs too .... My SX has inbuilt 3 band EQ with high mid and low and it's good la for freaking cheap price i got it for .... Summore it's super loud i don't need a better amp at the moment .... I mean, i live in HDB lo and i cant go past quarter of the SX or it'll be freaking loud ....
Get a Yamaha/Ibanez/Samick (1-1-2 style) low range guitar, then a MG15CDR or Kustom 15R amp, and a Behringer VampX multieffects.

All brand new should be within your budget or have some money left.

These will start you off totally already, you can get practically the whole deal in guitar playing and effects already (except not that refined). Pickup till you discover your style and sound you want then upgrade again slowly. You can always sell these stuffs off easily when the time comes.
Not that i want to disagree with you la mikemann, but starting off that way is expensive and most likely you will get around the same gear .... I suggest starter packs like from SX, Ibanez or Squier .... I got 6 picks, strap, gig bag, allen wrenches, electronic tuner, cable, 10 watt surprisingly addictive amp, strat copy .... Last time when i first got squier i got depressed of playing cause i paid like 700 bucks and got an mg15, guitar, amp, bag and strap.... For beginners its best to get good, cheap deals ....
Well.... the guy did state his budget & rough expectation. I was just thinking of the most bang for the bucks for him.

A starter pak only cost around half or so of his budget. Of course can consider if really want to keep the money for something else.
dholguitar said:
effects try a cheap multi effects...
all the bread and butter effects u'll need..
though single pedal will give u 'stringer' and more distinct sounds.. i suggest the gfx cause u can play around with the settings to tweak to the genre u wanna play and as u said u play anything, its the best bet..
its around 150 from luthermusic i think..
(zoom multi efx.. very user friendly) :)

it's good to start off with e gfx1, coz there are quite a lot of diff sounds u can make and to find ur "sound", BUT the after 1 month i found it too "crappy" for me as e effects were not very "controllable" and sold it, but its a good start, and im just too demanding from my gear :?
My opinion on the matter is not to get starter packs. Its not that they are not good, i just feel you outgrow them too fast. Starter pack guitars and amps are usually ,IMHO, not of a good quality and are not keepers. I like to go back to the yamaha 112J as its a good quality guitar for the money, solid alder, decent pickups. and can definitely be kept for the future either an upgrade of the pickups or as a backup guitar.

:lol: and the person who started the thread(kaye) is a guitar chick who plays acoustic guitar as well. lol. Just for those who don't read the first few pages.

Though, if i had 700 dollars, i'd just blow it all on a guitar, :wink: maybe a SZ320 weathered brown, man have i been eyeing that guitar for a long time... sigh.... but thats just another example of me and my poor budgeting skills.
Hey thanks alot guys! i wrote down all the stuffs you guys recommand... hehs. Bout starters pack... i'm not really sure.. i want a guitar that can at least last me for 5 years? hehs...

Actually i have been waiting for a electric guitar for 2 years... First 'big cheque' so i think of 'rewarding myself' hahaha.

I'm a chicken not a chick... jus some lil tiny info.. i have been playin acoustic for bout 3 years... but still plays like a newbie.. buahaha. oh wells.. i'm lousy.

Sobs.. i'm still not very sure wad to get... i'm not gettin my effects yet. Jus the guitar and the amp...
a fixed bridge guitar is basically lyk an acoustic guitar, its well fixed onto the guitar body

a tremolo bridge or a floating bridge can alter the pitch of a played note by means of a whammy bar, that is attatched to e bridge, and does so by either stretching the strings or lossening e tension, for more info watch vai and satch videos, got very er...extreme examples

anw pros of fixed bridge:
usually stays in tune
easy to change strings

cannot alter the pitch as the floating trems(some things cannot be done by normal string bending)

pros of floating trem:
well, the endless possibilities of having a whammy bar

on most non-locking trems, the strings usually go out of tune with a little bit of playing of e whammy bar

locking trems lyk a floyd rose bridge is damn ley cheh to change strings
man_kidal said:
SX electric pack 215
500 bucks can go pedal shopping lol

i'm quite a noobie to electric guitar.
been playing acoustic for some time.
lately, i've been despo to get an electric.
i juzz can't seem to get the one coz of the price.

okok, i'll get to the point.
this "SX electric pack", what is included in the pack?
can someone enlighten me on SX guitars?
where can i get this SX electric pack?
is this better than the "behringer v-tone guitar pack" or vice-versa?
or can u recommend me other electric packs? (budget around 200+)

sorry if i ask too many questions but i really want an electric.
can help?
i dunno abt either of those packs, but if ur really tight, bring a friend of yours dat noes guitars well enuff, and go check out guitar with him/her and he/she will prob help you, and make sure u get a decent 1( sounds kinda cliche rite? but its true, its e best way to start)

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