Bugera V5 Club


New member
Hey there I am a proud owner of a Bugera V5 5-Watt tube amp!

These are
great little practice amps that even allow you to gig in small venues or large
(you WILL need to mic). Its key features include a 3 way POWER ATTENUATOR,
digital, best digital 'verb I've heard), 8'' Bugera speaker, and headphone/out
jack (not the greatest sounding, but there non the less)

So lets see how
many owners are out there!?
Here's a pic of mine and a video for your
pleasure. Enjoy!



Hey hey..glad to know someone else apart from me has it..
Nice amp..very reliable..dis sucker is extremely loud for a 5watt..
no joke..running on 1 x 12ax7 & 1 x el84..
Got power attenuator which is sweet..got mine from epic studios..
Try it to believe it..