Bras Basah Showroom's Mid Year Clearance Sale!!!

didnt see you bigrockshow..its was too crowdy and messy in there..didnt really look at others hee..but thats a good guitar you got there..nope..its not a guitar that everyone rejects..i have actually consider it before..but due to the flakes and buget constrains..i chose a cheaper RG =D
BlackMoo said:
synths were at 15% off I believe.

Only the Casios are at 15%! I also tot that synths and keyboards were only at 15% but then I bothered to check. Quikcly grabbed a Roland Juno... Anything that is not marked is at 50%. Those not at 50% will be specially marked.
PinkSpId3r said:
lol yeah talking about you! mew..itachi got the only sz320 hee..well he was there very early..what time did you reach mew?
i got there abt 10.50, i think i saw u haha standing outside with the Peavy XXL?
I was there today but then they don't have boss ds-1... can't make out what was left...

Anyone know of any effects still available but not exceeding 100 bucks?
Did anyone noticed this old man who had rounded up ALL cymbals in packs/cases. Grrrrrrr

Its a good sale guys. Almost everything at 50%. Only a FEW items here and there not at half price. The sale is on till tomorrow. If you dont have any major items in mind to buy (all major items have been quickly snapped up anyway), can always buy small stuffs like picks, strings, cables, and other accessories. Anything lah thats you can find at Swee Lee.
Mew said:
i got there abt 10.50, i think i saw u haha standing outside with the Peavy XXL?

oops :oops: you saw me e..i was kinnda paiseh standing so attract attention @.@ but was waiting for some of them have to stand there hee..
I wanted to get strap, picks and maybe a distortion pedal today but the que was a killer... in the end I got strings at ranking sports where it is more ex by 10 cents... strap wise... they don't have the colour I wanted...

Will swee lee be restocking their products for tml?
Haha is there anything left in the shop if I go tomorrow? Just want to get some strap locks, those on 50%?

Too bad the Dimarzios come in only black and white...if not it be good..i guess everyone was busy checking out the deals...making sure every cent count to a good buy...instead of looking around..haha...i spent most my time in the Glass Room..outside...was...really..sad..hahaa...nothing much was left anyway.Too bad they wont re-stock :(

Anybody knows where to get diff coloured dimarzio Paf Pros? Maybe blue or purple? to match my new 1570MRB..haha.. AND what in the world is Team J.Craft? :roll:

PinkSpider- i know bout the flakes..guess it caught my eye hahaa its apparently a new 2005 release so i'm pretty happy bout it. :wink:
By the way, how much did a Cube30 cost at the sale today

Anyone bought it?

How much did you pay for the XXL Pinkspider?

team j-craft take over the japanese company that used to make ibanez model in japan..something like that..wasnt too sure about it myself..perhaps subversion can ans your doubt..

but they did a good job right? didnt they?

i think its kinnda hard to get other colored dimarzio in sg..unless you order online..

lol yeah personal taste..i dun like my guitar to be so shiny hee..but you love it can le :D