Boss GT-8 or POD XT LIVE


New member
Hi, I am considering getting an effects pedal. I've used the GT-6 before and I pretty like it. Some of my other effects included the Korg AX 1500G and the Zoom GFX 5.

However, I am thinking of getting either the Boss GT-8 or POD XT LIVE now. Which would you all recommend? The genres I play are Christian and Punk Rock. Also starting to play songs from 3 Doors Down, U2 and songs from Nickleback's new album. So was wondering which would be better for me to get. I am keen on these 2 effects. Yup, thanks a lot pals. Appreciate your time reading this!
now thats alot of multi-efx u got....i think both GT-8 and POD XT LIVE are very outstanding multi-efx...u gotta try both b4 making any decision...
Yeah, i saw a pod XT(i heard XT is better than 2.0 for metal music, but this doesn't really apply to your case anyway) going for 299 at luther classifieds ...
GT-8 - especially if you are looking for near total control of every effect and parameter - more tweakable and wider range of sounds.
POD XT Live is more user friendly, plug and play.

GT-8 is more powerful and tweak dependent.

So it really depends on how much time you are willing to spend sitting down and tweaking.
Re: Advice needed

As a GT-6 user for the past 2 years...I would vote for the GT-8. The range of sounds is just incredible and virtually endless. And it's working very well with my guitars and my fingers.

I've read what the POD XT can do but I'd still stick with the GT-6/8 anytime.
POD XT live for me. but i'd recommend getting the metal expansion pack. the models in there are killer!
anyways, like others have said, i do believe the GT8 has more tweak-ability, but i'm the plug and play kinda dude plus for recording i find the pod xt live and it's software pretty friendly, so yeah...guess its really up to ya...
guys thanks so much for all ur help. one more qn. anywhere i can find a second hand GT-8 besides luther? i was considering the gt-8 as well. sounds good. guys, really thank u so much for all ur help and advice. i think i'm gonna for the gt8 lol.
fenderfan said:
yah bro, try it. i am not sure about GT-8 but i like the POD XT.

Hi 5!!

PodXTLive got Custom Tone Library as well as foreign forums where they upload some nice patches online to share with everybody. I now uses my computer to directly edit my tones rather than manually switching the knobs of my Pod.
hmm and where can i find that bro? is it user-friendly? roughly how much will that cost. between that and the gt-8 which is more value for money?
City Music had the Vox on display iirc. In terms of value for money, well most of these units are within the same range, give or take 100$. I guess it just boils down to personal preference - you are going to find people who swear by each brand. If you do buy a gt-8 though, is the place to start off (the manual is just horrendous). You could also try for a good comparison of mfx units.
For Pod XTLive, there is fizziness in the high gain sound. You must really audition it to see if you like it. But it got good computer connection. For GT8, Boss sound id always vert close to analogue and will certainly not disappoint. However, it has no USB connection for easy editing of patches or recording and can be a little hard to tweak given the choice. Never tried Vox. But you may want to try Digitech GNX3000. Many good things to say about the sound and connectivity....
I own a podxt live and I think it's really wonderful for effects. Haven't tried the GT-8.

But if you're looking for good amp modelling tone with depth, I suggest you go for the Tonelab instead. After about 5 months with my podxt live, I've only found a few useful amp models and the sounds are still too thin and digital(especially the marshall models).

I must say though, that the effects are very versatile and give a good sound, but still need better raw amp tone if you want a complete sound.

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