
New member

heres A/B comparison.... 1st goes the ds-1 followed by the fab..

rock on guys \m/
the fab sounds nicer to me

You should try the FAB distortion. Its so much sweeter than the Ds-1
Okay thats my opinion only, but plz try it man.
haha compared to the ds1, the fab is much better. More clarity and not so muddy. I'd say go for the fabmetal, ds1 can throw away la.
to me, when you play it real time.. what comes out of the amp.. for the fab... sounds very err empty.. like comparing between stainless steel and aluminium foil.. it is much brighter sounding distortion (it was at ZERO tone) cant go down anymore.. of course i could use it for a purpose.. but the ds-1 will stay as my main lead tone..
seriously a first hand FAB metal cost only $28 bucks....A DS-1 probably cost $100???

So pricing different is a big gap...
like what dhalif said.. the ds1 in real life gives you a a fuller tone i feel. ive compared a couple of the low range drive pedals with the ds1. I feel that you can never get the solid tone.

so i still like my ds1 very much.. of course mines modded.
i have 2 ds1s that are modded.

1 is the ultra and see eye mod.

the other is the switchblade mod.

both done by randolf.

but currently im only using the ultra on my rig.
Hey Dhalif,

I still prefer the sound of DS-1 though after listening to the demo.

It sounds fuller with DS-1, while Fab sounds like it lacks of the body, i think mid low freq.