boomstick bottom feeder, your experience?


New member
anyone has experience with this? any good?

i can't find one to try it out... if I already have the digitech bass synth wah and the ehx bassballs, how will this compare?
I've got the Tonefactor 442 Red which is essentially the same as the Bottom Feeder. It's different from BSW and the Bassballs. More subtle filter effect. Not really to my liking actually. Prefer a fuller, funkier filter sound. May sell mine eventually.
i just got myself a BYOC 440, which is based on a DOD 440, which led to the design of the bottom feeder or whatever :confused: if i'm wrong its really not my fault

very subtle filter, kind of a set-it-and-forget-it kind of effect. i got it because i thought it would sound good on a song my band was gonna be playing. which means i bought a pedal because of one song. that's a new low for me :mrgreen:

the 440 is a new version which has a 'fixed wah'. basically the filter can be adjusted using a knob. application wise, if its used after a fuzz it could sound quite cool. but i think i'm sidetracking

after we play that song, maybe i'll sell it. it doesnt have all the over-the-top gimmicky crazy-assed bells and whistles that usually sway me