
+1 to subverison .

he's right , its your blog , you can absolutely anything you want . to me , a blog can really reflect on the blogger's life . but thats just my opinion .
somebody loves to write something somebody just doesnt.
depends on what you want and what you like.
i blog but i dont blog for comments.
to add on, many teenagers consider teenage-guys who blog are 'gay'.. but as said, its up to you if you wanna blog and shouldn't really care what others say..

..having said that, i have a blog :p
i always wanted to blog about the government.

but im afrain bearing the risk of getting sued or fined or jail or cane. or???
i've got a livejournal. does that count? :mrgreen:
i bet some of you have one too. i've seen composer of requiems'.

and i too have met liberator. he's gay. not. :-D