Blink 182 Official Thread

Which song do you like the most?

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hit me on the 2nd week of Jan if u can confirm.. try to bring friends along too $10 per tix with 1 complimentary housepour if u r above 16.

yep, that was funny..

my first song was The Party Song.

i was listening to my friend's discman when i stumbled upon this song. the lyrics are very honest and quite funny too.(and it's quite true too :D)
since this is the blink thread,

i need ur help on distortion.

what are ur EQ settings?

ie, level , tone, distortion

(eg. 4 o clock, 6 o clock, 7 o clock)

i bought a first distortion and cant get a nice sound

i got a boss OS-2.

my settings are..

level: 10 o'clock

tone: 12 o'clock

drive: 3 o'clock

color: 12 o'clock

got quite a sharp sounding distortion.. i like how the palm mute sounds like.. very crispy, if you know what i'm saying...

what distortion are you using? DS-1?
i using MI Audio Crunchbox

EQ settings:

[Volume] Varies alot but usually @ the 9-10 o'clock position
[Tone] Varies too, sometimes 9 o'clock, sometimes 12 o'clock
[Gain] 3 o'clock
neuro182 said:
i using MI Audio Crunchbox

EQ settings:

[Volume] Varies alot but usually @ the 9-10 o'clock position
[Tone] Varies too, sometimes 9 o'clock, sometimes 12 o'clock
[Gain] 3 o'clock

then how?

got tom's sound?
something better i find.. thick juicy punk rock tone!! good for lead work too.. it jus salivates all over!! :lol:
bockscar is using a danelectro fab distortion!
i got one too.
worth the money i guess.

neuro, which shops carries tokai & edwards?
i've seen a couple at davis, G77 anywhere else?
to manofmen: nope. danelectro fab distortion

thanks everyone, i'll take note and try them

that was a really quick reply
