
Bullshit! No offense to the originator of the thread but the detail in the link is complete crap coming from an unliberated mind.

Ozzy being satanic was probably some business hype thing but they being a christian rock band is bullshit. Those lyrics were written with the concept of questioning the listener's belief. He wrote lyrics that went inside of you and made you think. He made me think man.

Hell, I'm not some satan worshipper but Black Sabbath being CHRISTIAN ROCK is complete crap to me.
DONKS said:
Bullshit! No offense to the originator of the thread but the detail in the link is complete crap coming from an unliberated mind.

Chill man... Goose prob posted that for info's sake and for discussion...



Hmm, interesting, but I still dont think they are christians. Geezer Butler had many inverted crosses in his bedroom and Ozzy had a satanc bible or something I think.
no lah. i think most metal musicians are anti-religion but not satanic. just because they have inverted crosses doesn't mean you are a subcriber of Satanic beliefs. The only tr00 Satanic metalhead is the one and only King Diamond! HE is the proud owner of many copies of the Satanic Bible, a memeber of the Church Of Satan and also has been said to have been a good friend of Anton LaVey (head of the church of Satan).
Acherly hor, some forms of Satanism is not about worshipping the Devil. It's more about being nihilistic. Yes, you can Google it and find out more...

Back to Ozzy...

Don't you think that in the recent years, he's looking more and more like an orang utan? Seriously... When he does all the handclaps below waist level, I keep seeing images of Ah Meng having breakfast with ang moh tourists...

But me <3 Black Sabbath...
AgingYouth said:
Acherly hor, some forms of Satanism is not about worshipping the Devil. It's more about being nihilistic. Yes, you can Google it and find out more...

Then that is not nihilism.. Nihilism is somehow denying of religions.. Satanism is a way of life and it is about individuality.. There is no god for a satanist because the person first of all has to acknowledge himself as a god. Satanism is actually kind of like athiesm..
Well i dunno how far musicians really tk dis satanic image. Is it even part of their personal life is still unknown. 4 all i noe Ozzy's wife does his make-up 4 him. N it is true.Anyway me 2 love Black Sabbath Music
Hey man, I wasn't even dissing you. Just the info in the link. Think it whatever way you will but I know what I meant when I typed that entry. If you have issues with your self-confidence and the way others perceive you then I'm sorry lah.

Haha, cheers balls!
rx7 said:
AgingYouth said:
Acherly hor, some forms of Satanism is not about worshipping the Devil. It's more about being nihilistic. Yes, you can Google it and find out more...

Then that is not nihilism.. Nihilism is somehow denying of religions.. Satanism is a way of life and it is about individuality.. There is no god for a satanist because the person first of all has to acknowledge himself as a god. Satanism is actually kind of like athiesm..

Satanism is anything anti God because the devil is anti God.

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