Billy Sheehan Bass Clinic

i enjoyed myself immensely. i like his personality- he's improvisational not just onstage, but as a person in general

i was the second guy to win the dvds. dark blue shirt. like he said as i went off stage, really cannot 'contain my enthusiasm' sia, or did he say that i can. oh well. either way it was awesome!


awesome to win the dvds! happy!

not to mention he's super awesome!


vicko i think i saw you eh. you looked like the picture of you that fgl posted awhile back when he was selling his diy strat. round face. lolol...not too sure though..
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haha i agree with visa!
prob you didnt express well enuff tt's all :)

Billy Rocks.. oh that black car he mentioned to the first guy who started the questions was actually the yamaha's staff's car! lol.. i saw him boarding it after everything..

btw, remember not to throw banana at the audience! Banana man!
really ah, i too shocked la. ah... really ah, sialan ah?


Mate, at least smile a little right? But hey, you were one of the winners the winner and we give you the benefit of the doubt that you were overly-excited and didn't know how to express yourself.

It was a great night and it was great to meet my hero after seeing him in action in 2006 with G3 in Adelaide. Geez. He (BS) is a legend.

I got my BB414MO and Mr. Big's "Lean on it" signed! Yay.

Oh yeah, BS = Bart Simpson, Babara Streisand...LOL!

Seriously, you were one of the topics in the after-show get-together among my friends. We were wondering how come this guy has no expression at all and look extremely obnoxious when he recieves the prize from BS?

HA. Now we know why.

Remember: Smile! You're on Candid Camera!