Big hello frm a budding music enthusiast


New member
hello ppl! a 17 yrl old guy here, starting nyp tmr!!! :)))

i'm a music lover. i dun realli hav any formal music background, but i'm hooked on to music reality tv shows. i really really love music, all kinds of music, and i really wanna sing. i hope to start a band soon, myself as the vocalist obviously haha, looking for ppl to join. but really it's u guys out there tt gotta help me out in advice haha.

the main band influence wud come frm kelly clarkson i guess. i love kelly clarkson, my fav singer probably, even my blog revolves around a kc theme haha. my fav song? sure u've guess it by now haha. it's gotta be breakaway. as former sing idol contestant rahimah rahim puts it, "I want to reach out for my dreams and break away from my conventional way of life." tt's y i intend to call this band The Brreakerz (or smth along the line of 'The Breakers' haha) cuz i want this band to break free frm conventions n break records too! haha

on the other hand this band shud be versertile too i guess. i enjoy all genres of music, frm soft chinese ballards like zai yi ci yong you to loud emo rock tunes like LP's what' i've done or even LL's confessions of a broken heart, i love them all. i guess they all share one thing in common, i.e. they express emotions. i think tt's music's main purpose in our lives after all, don'tcha agree?

so ya i'm looking for ppl, the usual components of a band, perhaps i need advice on the specific personnel needed as well! haha. age shud be around the same range of 16 - 18 or somewhere along tt line i guess, gender can be both guys or girls i dun mind. perhaps also the band might do with another female vocalist, so tt i can switch roles sometimes, n she can do girls' songs like confessions OABH n i can do guys' ones like what i've done, as mentioned above. tt will give the band variety n versatility i guess, unless u tink im being overly ambitious :p

but really really wad i need is advice lah haha. i'm just starting out in this only as u all noe, so any help is greatly appreciated! thx to all in advance!
Welcome to the jungle, so you're Clarkson fan ....

We all here, rock with beer, hope u understand ....
well 17 too...guitar player..only shit is that im into metal lol so i could be a candidate for it XD
abit weird to call me metal ya haha, i'm a reserved person outside, but yeah, on the inside i actually enjoy these songs, i enjoy everything! :p but ya so do u ppl think it's dificult to form a band tt can play almost anything? cuz i noe most bands do stick solely to a certain genre. but tt's wad the concept of The Brreakerz is all abt, a one-of-a-kind all-encompassing band, a first of it's kind perhaps?
Learning an instrument… a guitar perhaps?

i noe some lead vocalists do carry n strum guitars too… i hav not learnt to play any musical instrument but i think learning one might be useful… a (electric)/guitar perhaps may a a gd one to start frm? i noe i gotta start frm scratch, but may nt be very proficient i guess, cuz after all i'll focus more on the vocals n there will be proper guitarist(s) backing.

any tips on where to be able to learn how to play guitar? i'm doubtful cuz i noe usually children learn it in music schs but me, alrd 17, wud appreaciate any advice on this. unless nyp comes up with some enrichments progs which we can learn to play guitar. my sec sch once had but i missed the opp cuz parents keep saying it'll take too much time! argh! but i hope to start now. after all, better late than never, dun y'all agree?
lol dude i didnt say you was into metal..i meant me XD im ZOMG into metal..thats why it was a predicament for me to wonder about wether i could join...yea its never too late to learn something new the beginning you may totally find yourself in a pile of SFIT but youll get better as time goes on..never underestimate yourself ...then it becomes a barrier for yourself where you feel you cant do that..or just look back on what you can play..thats how I started out i was so like PFFt when i knew i sucked but now its totally better :) \m/

im 17 this year...been underaged drinkin for pretty long with parents HEH my parents PWN hehe..but the limit has dissapeared now..and when i went to hong kong for a football cup it was free flow..........................................SFIT HAPPENS XD

Singing, playing guitar, n now songwriting? :p

wow. i've been pretty ambitious lately, i dunno y haha. inspired maybe.

i keep listening to emo songs trying to get inspiration. like listening to confessions of ABH again n agian like siao lidat haha. but i also really wanna learn how to write songs to express my emotions. after all i keep reiterating tt music's main purpose is to help us express ourselves better. but how??? i oso got no background in songwriting, but when i see kelly clarkson's because of u n of course LL's confessions i say woah, how nice if i cud do it too. perhaps i can pick it up slowly as well? tips, anyone?
Good recipe for music

actually i do have a gd recipe for music u noe. there r so many things i wanna say. of how i always feel oppressed by myself. of wanting to love someone but having to face so so much difficulty. this r all ingredients for a gd emo song, but just how in the world do u get started in this business of songwriting?
My first song?

ironically my first song ain't gonna be emo rock. seems like acoustic instead. just got inspiration todae when the song play itself again n again in my head