BD-2 or TS9 or Modded SD-1 or Sahasrara


New member
Well im looking an overdrive that has clarity as well as transparency. Not too harsh, over the subtle line a bit. Im looking for all available softies to give your comments/experiences of this 4 pedals i named out. Ive already read the review of the BD2. I own a SD1 but somehow its not really music to my ears yet. So i thank all in advance for all advice given so that ill be able to make an informed decision. =]
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sahasrara's really transparent...
but i hear a modded bd2 has lotsa mojo. many artistes use that as well.
i somehow think an sd1 is too much like a TS- mids high and may kill off tone?
Mod the SD-1.. A lot of people find out that it gives out it's true colours once modded..
BD-2 modded will be less harsh and more transparent.. But will be in the grey area between an OD and Distortion..
If you are willin go spend in the name of tone, go for the Sahasrara.
If you want something less high end, TS9DX will be great for single coils.. Although it is still very very subtle to me..
I would recommend trying out the Rocktron Sonic Glory as well.. Works well for me, a humbucker user..
Works even better with single coils!
hmm i see godspeed.
Whom shall i approach for the modding of the SD-1 ?
im really really keen on getting the sahasrara though haha.
Will my guitar which has been equipped with seymour duncan cool rails(those single coil humbucker pickups) be counted as a single coil?
hmm shredrat as ive mentioned, not really looking for over-the-top powerful overdrive.
just something along the subtle lines and retains the tone of the guitar. the sahasrara is indeed the most impressive overdrive i have tried, with many many tonal options, it makes for an ideal overdrive pedal.
sahasrara has good tonal capabilities if you have a great guitar and a great amp... it really shines through.
but if ur just a prac-at-home 15watt solid state kinda playing, then its not really worth it... just modd the sd1.

with the sahasrara, i dun find mojo on any setting... i gotta do a bit of tweaking on my amp and guitar first. and then the pedal...
the sahasrara is indeed the most impressive overdrive i have tried, with many many tonal options, it makes for an ideal overdrive pedal.

If it is indeed a worthy investment, why bother asking? Just go ahead and get it..
In the quest for tone, there are no regrets.. There is Buy/Sell for that!
If you still want to test out the full capabilities of your SD-1, or BD-2 for that matter, try asking around soft for someone who is nice enough to let you come to their place and try it..
for super charged overdrive, the overdrive is indeed stronger and warmer than sahasrara's. but if you like sahasrara, go for it. +1 to it's tonal option. hahahaha sahasrara has limited stock faster faster faster buy!
haha thanks all just got my sahasrara today from tymusic. ima feel happy!! xDDDDDD
Edwin, ur pedal rocks !! lol
hahahah enjoy it, for me i got it cause i thought it sounded decent. but when you use a better amp, u can fully experience the sahasrara ness... wahahha.
the knobs blend very uniquely.. esp the pregain and gain.
haha... thanks guys. prices will be fixed for a long way more. no intention to raise anything.

thanks for the support and most of all, thanks for even considering the pedal. respect.