Bassist needed...


New member
HI,guys,we r looking for bassist. We play pop,pop rock,bules,metal and so on.Many kinds of music.We dont mind ur skill,as long as we can get along and have fun.In short trem,we will do lots of practise,later on we may go play for some bars. waiting for ur favourive replay~~xD Msn:
Hi everyone

I'm a fren of KJ. We are still looking for a bassist. It doesn't matter how noob or pro you are. If you are a pro, we're honoured to have you. If you are still a beginner, don't worry cos we are all in the same boat.
Feel free to ask KJ or me for any enquiry. =)

My msn is

This is KJ's number:82037318
and this is mine: 84050766
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