
Hi guys,

i'm considering learning bass after i'm more or less done with guitar... but i think it won't be so soon.

I wanna learn bass cause I see the importance of a bassist and my friend keeps complaining that good bassists are rare. I also think bass is equally as "cool" as guitar.

So i was wondering if anyone could roughly share with me the skills that i would need to learn... or what gear to buy. The band of my previous church had this great bassist and im v inspired by her.

She was using an Ibanez guitar but not sure which model... any1 using an ibanez? how is it? which genre is it good for?

ibanez got faster necks compared to other brands like fender and washburns,....etc,.
and yeah,....we bass players are cooler than the guitarist,....hahahaha (joke)
one thing you gotta realise is you don't need effects. but you will end up buying a ton anyway. if you keep playing long enough you will start to see a need 8)

a good squier is a good investment. if you're looking for fast necks, jazz necks are thinner. but when people choose between j or p basses, it's usually about the tone

you can learn alot of cool stuff from youtube, no kidding. there are people posting alot of cool grooves, and even some lessons proper. learn everything that turns you on, when you are improvising during jams you will never be without a groove :D

finally you don't need to be 'done' with guitar... you can always play both. like alot of people
bass is cooler than guitar for 1 reason. you're allowed to say to guitarist "mine's longer than yours" hahahahahahaha

anyhow, the only super duper cannot live without effect u need 2 use is a compressor ;) just invest on a super duper good one, and you wont need anything else... unless you're fingers get itchy la.. which it usually does... =]
go watch some billy sheehan videos and you'll be thoroughly inspired! bass is all about the groove. shake that a##!
bass is cooler than guitar for 1 reason. you're allowed to say to guitarist "mine's longer than yours" hahahahahahaha

anyhow, the only super duper cannot live without effect u need 2 use is a compressor ;) just invest on a super duper good one, and you wont need anything else... unless you're fingers get itchy la.. which it usually does... =]
Wait what's a compressor do... is that the one which makes it sound like a big old thud?