Bass strings to recommend

one think that i always can't find the answer to.

what's the difference between all the slinkys in the ernie ball range?
there's the hybrid slinky and power slinky and such
is that just difference in how the strings are made?
+1 on the hi beams .. amazing string life ... too soft for me though .. had them on my bass previous, using TI's power alloys now ... WHEE!!! nice and defined ...

i'm going to try Lo-riders next ... want something stiffer compared to the hi-beams .. =)
exin: dont forget those TIs were actually mine and they didne fit into my warwick *sob* =C

but once i get down to filing down my bridge i'll get another set of TIs man! those are fantassimo!
Anyone one knows of coloured strings other than DR Red Devils? I know there are metallic blue guitar strings, not too sure about bass.
zero_g: hahahah .. really much thanks for the TIs ... don't worry lah ... i'm sure you'll get it back on your warwick soon .. your warwick plays better yes? i'm still missing your warwick ..=P ...
exin: haha oh yea man. but i need to leave it in a hardcase full of thirsty hippos now. think some moisture has got to it. i'm definitely gonna save up for a corvette $$ neckthru. this time in bubinga! haha. the stock neck is maple so there wouldnt be a problem with warpage. its gonna kill me man!
man ... don't remind me of the $$ ... i think it's just the slapping space that really put me off ... that's why i'm getting a warmoth ... or i should just ask cherns to get me a nordy nJ5 man ... garr!! .. all this gear talk is starting to make me GAS ...
how about for 6 strings any recommendation?

hey man, i got some problem with strings i cant find my favourite set of strings d'addario (slow wound) come in set of 6 strings. really kinda miss that feeling of that strings use to be able to get from yamaha.. anyone have any idea who is carrying this ?
primz is good also for 4 strings. but some may find it too bright..