Bass Question


New member
hI all,

anyone tried the musicman BONGO5 ?
I heared a lot of good reviews in harmony-central and talkbass forums and wanted to hear fellow softies' hand-on experience with this bass. (if there's any owners or users here)

I couldnt seem to get my hands on one as sinamex doesnt keep stocks,.. you have to order thru them and wait 4 months.

BGW has a 4 stringer BONGO but probably will bring in 5 stringer soon (i wish) :-)

i've been a greco,fender,yamaha user and now stayed with my ibanez prestige limited ed 20th anniv bass. thinking of letting the ibanez go so i can fund for the bongo5,.. or its a bad idea?

any comments welcome,...please be gentle

Many Thanks!
i too was trying to get my hands on a bongo.

i've asked sinamex for a quotation, but the price quoted was quite shocking to me, so i politely declined them.

you will have much better luck in terms of price by asking BGW, in my personal opinion, I think his prices are very reasonable. he'll probably be able to ship a 5 string one that you want in too.
I owned one for a year.


a. Has nice responsive EQ which can give you everything from grind to nice finger style definition. Has a nice mid bump on the tonal characteristic that helps it stand out even in a heavy mix.
b. Light and easy on the shoulders, pretty ergonomic as well
c. The B string is tight enough, not the best i have played, but very decent

What may be a flaw for others:

1. Wide fingerboard, makes fretting the G string relatively easy with it enough leeway to do some finger vibratos, but the wideness may put off some peeps

2. The neck finger board is pretty flat and not a nice curved wrap round fingers kind of feel.

3. Not super hi-fi in its tone output

If you don't mind some trouble, there are a few on sale of Talkbass
I have one and loving it. Especially the chameleon Dargie 2 color option!! :)

It's not as agressive as the Stingray and Sterlings in my opinion. It's got its own sound. But you can get a rough stingray sound from it too.
The neck finger board is pretty flat and not a nice curved wrap round fingers kind of feel.
i think you are trying to say that it's not RADIUSED ;)

at the end of the day beauty is in the eye of the beholder, though ive not really heard of ppl going wild about the bongo's design...

but i think if the layman sees the band's bassist with something that he considers hideous, the fact that you have gone with an ugly bass could make him assume that you must know what you're doing.
but i think if the layman sees the band's bassist with something that he considers hideous, the fact that you have gone with an ugly bass could make him assume that you must know what you're doing.

either that or NO idea at all ;)