Bass Pickups Review

wangdexian said:
I remember seeing Barts in Davis.
Do check with them.

did that before .. apparently Davis is not the official distributor for Barts even though they tried to get the dealership before. What happened was Bartolini cheated them of their money .. sent the money .. goods never came in .. until they filed a court order on dunno what then the goods came in .. so after that .. yeah .. haii ... whhYyYyYy .. now have to import and it's super ex ... check this website out ..

if you have MC or VISA can import stuff .. i do .. and i'm going to do it soon .. if i have the cash ..
Question (from a noob)

if i'm going to fit in my custom pick ups, do i get a cheap bass to do it? i mean, if the neck feeels alright, and if the body wood is not that bad stuff... is it the way you guys do when you want to change pups? i mean, to me it doesn't make sense to buy a thousand plus dollar bass and change the pups.

I know the body affects the sound of the whole thing. So wat are the other things i should look out for in a bass if i want to change the pickups into a certain pickup i want to use?
I suppose that if you're already planning on changing the pickups, then it would be pointless to spend over a thousand dollars on a bass and then spending more by swapping out the pickups. Maybe you could go for a medium priced bass like say a MIM fender and then swap out the pickups? And since you're planning on switching out the pups, you should concentrate almost entirely on the feel, durability and if you wish, the look of the bass. After all, you're already gonna change the sound of it with the new pickups. :)
Cool... how about all the elcetronics stuff? the voltage impedence or whatever.... will pickups clash with the eletronics of a bass? and if they dun fit... you drill hole?

AND... do you all do it yourselves or get it done professionally?
I would recommend getting it done professionally. Most pups have a generic size so that you can switch without having to route a bigger hole. Unless say you want to switch from a jazz pickup to a humbucker, then you'd have to route a bigger hole, or get one of those single coil sized humbuckers.
hor! .. let me guess . one of the Prestige series right? .. SR or BTB ?? ..[/quote]

ha ya. SR3000E. luv the fast neck. then again, one man's meat, another's poison. :)