Bass Pickups Review


New member
I'm not sure how many of you guys change your pickups. So let's start a thread here and post your reviews on your pickups, whether EMGs, Basslines, Barts, Aero, Nordstrand, MEC or other brands that you change to. Don't bother reviewing no-brand pickups cos no point, people want also can't find.

I'm sure many of you will agree that pickups form the quintessence of our bass guitar besides the wood material and stuff, no pickups means no sound .. (DUH!).

I'll start with my pickup review. Alembic Jazz Pickups and MEC Gold Jazz pickups. So far these are the 2 branded pickups that i had on my basses. I'll start with the Alembic one first.

Alembic -

Very nice smooth tone, i regretted not changing it out and keeping it man. Mine was some really old vintage pickup that had the "Alembic" word carved into the pickup cover. The newer Alembics have their words in silver like Basslines do. Sounded alot like a bart pickup. Okay, honestly i'm not too sure how a bartolini pickup sounds, i only played a Pedulla once that was equipped with that pickup. Had really nice smooth lows that weren't muddy but was clear and defined with the warmness that wasn't too boomy. Just nice. The mids were well-balanced and it sounded really "in-place", not too harsh either. The highs were just nice, with enough highs to get that percussive sound out from your bridge pickup and that "pop" when you slap. Other than that everything was perfect except that i didn't get a preamp installed (stupid right?) ... cos i got cheated by the guy who changed my pickups for me. Joker ...

MEC Gold -

These are the pickups that are currently found on my Warmoth. Same brand as the ones Warwick use for their basses. Really nice Warwick growl to it. The pickups catch every nuance of your string vibrations without being muddy in anyway. Fuyooo ... you should have heard it when Warwick strings were installed on my bass man ... the low B string had that distinct Warwick growl to it ... really shiok.

Anyway, sorry for being carried away .. the lows are nice and round without being muddy, use the correct strings and you can have a nice clear and defined low end on your bass. Mids are nicely balanced but compared to the Alembic pickups, these pickups had a bit more low mid-range added to it. the highs are brillant without being brittle with a nice sweet tone to it. That's about all i can say.

Hope these will help those who want to change pickups in the future to choose.

Here are some of the pickups I've tried before.

Sadowsky Jazz
Big, smooth and round. Not growly, but it's got a nice rumble. Sits very well in the mix.

Nordstrand NJ5FS
Fat and growly, but oh so smooth at the same time. Soundclip

Nordstrand Dual Coils
These are in my 5 string at the moment, and they sound righteous in the mix. Hi-fi vintage-y goodness. Single coil operation nails the vintage jazz vibe very nicely.

Kevin Lindsay (bassist for Jamiroquai) and Pino Palladino (currently on tour as part of the JMtrio) have recently joined the bandwagon of Nordstrand pickup (and bass) users :)

I'd love to comment on the Fbass and Wal pups as well - but it'd be pointless 'cos they're not retail pups.
i am currently using Seymour Duncan Quarterpounders for my bass. Super active pickups. High output, versatile, pickups. The quarter-inch diameter pole pieces expand the magnetic field and extend the frequency ranges for fat, full, punchy sound with tremendous mid-range presence and maximum output. Though often used for heavy rock tones, this pickup gives amazing tonal versatility to a single pickup instrument.
I dunno. It's actually a Mark Hoppus bass, with QPs on them. But me and 3notes added a MM bucker into the pic for the fun of it. :twisted:
haha very nicely done.. so when are u gonna get that bass? i'm looking for SD hotstacks for my other bass but can't seem to find them anywhere... sad 8O
swee lee sale just over leh, lol.. missed that one? oh ya, davis.. yup i think i'll try to place an order with them. i forgot that they are one of the main distributors for SD. thanks! :D
amnesiac said:
i am currently using Seymour Duncan Quarterpounders for my bass. Super active pickups. High output, versatile, pickups. The quarter-inch diameter pole pieces expand the magnetic field and extend the frequency ranges for fat, full, punchy sound with tremendous mid-range presence and maximum output. Though often used for heavy rock tones, this pickup gives amazing tonal versatility to a single pickup instrument.

ive heard a lot of good reviews on the SD quarterpounders. that guy from NFG uses them. hahaha. i hope thats not an insult to a radiohead fan, if you're a radiohead fan that is. haha.
for me, im using dimarzio ultrajazz pickups. bought them online. swee lee has them but its over-priced. anyway, the ultrajazz offers really good tones. its loads better than the fender stock PUs i have on my MIM fender jazz. they're not as noisy and i just like em cos they're dimarzios. hahaha.
dude said:
ive heard a lot of good reviews on the SD quarterpounders. that guy from NFG uses them. hahaha. i hope thats not an insult to a radiohead fan, if you're a radiohead fan that is. haha.

What's NFG? yup i am a radiohead fan :o
Oh, never heard of that band before. :oops: don't really listen much to radiohead too nowadays..their music is too depressing.

exin : barts? bart simpson got la.. =X